Campus Policies Dictionary
Campus Policies Dictionary
UCCS Policies Dictionary (PDF Download)
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Abuse and/or Neglect | Abuse includes a non-accidental physical, sexual, or emotional injury to a child that is caused by the acts or omissions of another person. Neglect includes the failure of the child’s guardian to prevent abuse and/or take action to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. See C.R.S. § 19-1-103. |
Academic Administration | Activities other than direct instruction, such as setting the curriculum, determining whether students meet requirements, and selection of instructors, normally handled by faculty. Academic administration of credit-bearing courses always occurs in the colleges. Academic administration of non-credit offerings may occur outside of academic colleges with the approval of Campus Wide Extended Studies (CWES).
Academic Affairs (VCAA) | One of five divisions within the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs has overall responsibility for the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing, the College of Business, the College of Education, the College of Engineering and Applied Science, the Kraemer Family Library, the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, the Graduate School, the School of Public Affairs and the Office of Research & Innovation.
Academic Ethics Code Committee (henceforth, “AEC Committee” or “AECC”) | The AEC Committee, a committee of the office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, is composed of a faculty member or members selected by the dean of each college. Each school or college shall select the following number of voting representatives: Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing (1), College of Business (2), College of Education (1), College of Engineering (2), College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences (4), Library (1), School of Public Affairs (1). The Committee shall also include a voting member of the student body selected by the Student Government Association and approved by the office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Enrollment Management. In addition, a representative selected by the Faculty Assembly shall be a member. Seven members of the AEC Committee shall constitute a quorum for Academic Ethics Reviews. For a review, the AEC Committee shall include a representative from the student’s college and a representative from the college where the alleged infraction occurred.
Academic Ethics Code Committee Chair (henceforth, “AECC Chair”) | The Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall act as the AECC Chair to maintain the efficient administration of the academic ethics system, as specified by this Code. In the event that the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is unable to fulfill his/her duties as AECC Chair, the Provost of Academic Affairs shall designate a replacement. The AECC Chair or his/her replacement shall vote only in the event of a tie vote.
Academic Program | An organized curriculum delivered to an identifiable set of students under the authority of a recognized academic unit. All degree programs are automatically held to fit this description.
Academic Program Review Panel (APRP) | A campus-wide standing committee designed to assist the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA) in the review of existing programs and to make recommendations for program improvement.
Academic Space | Academic spaces are primarily for use by students, faculty, and staff for activities and programs that are directly related to UCCS’ educational functions of teaching, research, and preparation of scholarly material. Academic spaces include general classrooms, laboratories, and related space regularly used for academic purposes.
Academic Unit | A school or college, or a group of faculty recognized within a school or college and organized to assume responsibility for one or more academic programs.
Access | The opportunity for persons with disabilities to participate in, utilize, benefit from, and enjoy the same facilities, programs, and services as non-disabled persons, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Access Control | A physical, procedural, and/or electronic mechanism that ensures only those who are authorized to view, update, and/or delete data can access that data.
Accessioning | Accessioning is the act of recording an addition to the permanent collection that gives UCCS legal title to the object(s) and commits UCCS to the responsibility for the proper care and use of the object(s).
Acknowledgment | Displaying the name, logo, or product lines of a non-UCCS party in recognition of goods, services or financial support provided by that party.
Acquiring Bank | The bank that sponsors the University of Colorado to the payment card system. At this time our Acquiring Bank is Wells Fargo Payment Services.
Adaptive re-use | A change in the use of a space that may or may not require an alteration to the facility but changes its function from one purpose to another or changes occupants or occupancy types (e.g., classroom to office space or two departments trade spaces).
Administration and Finance (VCAF) | One of five divisions within the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance has overall responsibility for Accounting, Athletics, Bookstore, Budget, Conference Services, Dining and Nutrition Services, Facilities Services, the Family Development Center, Galleries of Contemporary Art, Greenhouse, Human Resources, Institutional Research, Mailing Services, Office of Policy, Property & Administrative Contracts, Office of Sustainability, Planning and Construction, Print and Copy Services, Public Safety, Parking and Transportation Services, Recreation Center, Student Counseling Center, Student Financial Services, Student Health Center, Theatreworks, UCCS Presents, and the University Center.
Administrative Assistant to Faculty Assembly Duties | a) Perform all administrative functions for Faculty Assembly. b) Maintain Faculty Assembly records for a minimum of three years. c) Post information on the Faculty Assembly website such as monthly Faculty Assembly minutes, date and location of meetings, updates to faculty and other duties as assigned. d) Maintain a status record of Faculty Assembly motions and committee assignments.
Administrative Policy Statement | A written University-wide policy, issued from one of the University of Colorado Vice President’s Offices that provides specific or general directives that must be adhered to for the effective operation of the University of Colorado System.
Administrative Space | Administrative spaces are primarily used for management and administration of campus services to support the operation of UCCS. Administrative spaces include utility and operational spaces, roads, outdoor open spaces, and some offices and meeting rooms. Administrative spaces also include all foyers, common spaces, patios, and lounges in academic buildings.
Advertising | The commercial promoting or marketing of any non-UCCS trade, business, service, facility, or product in exchange for remuneration. Advertising includes messages containing qualitative or comparative language, price information or other indications of savings or value, an endorsement, or a call to action to purchase, sell, or use a company’s products, services, or facilities.
Alcohol | Any form or derivative of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), including but not limited to beer, wine, spirituous liquors.
Alteration | The modification of a campus facility in any form. Working from a home-based/satellite office one day a week. Alternative work locations may only be utilized by staff exempt from overtime.
Alternative Work Schedule | Also call a compressed workweek -- a flexible schedule where a full workweek is completed in fewer than five days by increasing the number of hours worked per day; a four-day (10 hours per day) workweek.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) | The ADA is a federal anti-discrimination law designed to remove barriers that prevent qualified persons with disabilities from enjoying the same educational and employment opportunities available to non-disabled persons.
Agency Funds | Exist to hold funds for clubs or groups that are not affiliated with UCCS. They are charged a flat General Administrative Recharge (GAR) rate of 2% for use of any Institutional Support services.
Applicants | Includes all current, former, student, or prospective Employees and Volunteers who submit information to be considered for positions at UCCS. This definition also includes current UCCS Employees seeking a Promotion or Transfer.
Appointing Authority | An appointing authority is the individual with the authority or delegated authority to make ultimate employment decisions concerning a particular employee.
Approval Form | A form required in approval process to explain the certificate program and to determine financial aid eligibility, student records and maintenance, and appropriate reporting and notification to the appropriate state, federal and accrediting agencies.
Approved Capital Projects | Assets obligated for currently approved construction projects, facilities initiatives, and debt service reserve requirements (including internal loans). Includes Regent-approved projects (over $2,000,000), and campus-approved projects (under $2,000,000).
Approved Codes | The Building Codes adopted by the State of Colorado’s State Architect.
Approving Authority | An individual who is authorized to expend funds on behalf of a UCCS department, organization, unit or activity. This should be a senior administrator, such as the Fiscal Manager or the Appointing Authority, as determined by the individual unit.
Assistance Animals | Encompass both Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals, and they are not considered pets.
Associate Vice Chancellor | May serve as the Vice Chancellor in his/her absence. The associate vice chancellor provides executive leadership and strategy for departments reporting to the Vice Chancellor.
Authentication | A systematic method for establishing proof of identity.
Authorization | The process of giving someone permission to do or have something. System administrators/owners and data custodians define for their systems which users are allowed access to those systems and what privileges are assigned. A system could be an operating system, database, or application.
Authorized Users | Faculty, staff, students, retired faculty and staff, and those individuals who have been given permission to access UCCS Computing and Network Resources.
Auxiliary Enterprise | An entity that exists to furnish goods or services primarily to students, faculty, or staff, and that charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of goods or services. The distinguishing characteristic of auxiliary enterprises is that they are managed as essentially self-supporting activities.
Auxiliary Facilities Non-Pledged | Assets held by auxiliary programs. Revenues are not pledged to specific projects. Continuing Education reserves and insurance activities are included with this group.
Auxiliary Funds | Exist to provide goods and services primarily to faculty, staff, students and the public (example Bookstore, Housing). Auxiliary Funds are used to account for the revenues and expenses of self-funded and self-sustaining operations like Extended Studies, Residential Life and Housing, Parking Services, and revenue generated through departmental activity such as consulting or laboratory testing, conferences, internal service centers, and most student purpose/activity fees. Auxiliary operations with debt service may be designated by UCCS as restricted.
Auxiliary Operations | Auxiliary Operations oversee the building management for all student-supported enterprises where the funding for the building comes from student fees (e.g., recreation center) or from primarily student clients (e.g., bookstore and parking services). In cases of facility alteration or construction, Auxiliary Operations is responsible for overseeing the fiscal affairs of the project in collaboration with Facilities Services, when appropriate.
Auxiliary Space | Auxiliary spaces are primarily used for support and service activity related to UCCS’ business functions. Auxiliary space includes conference rooms, certain meeting rooms, residential units, child care/early education classrooms, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, athletic facilities, art, theater, cultural facilities, student co-curricular areas and parking lots. Auxiliary Space may never be committed in an articulation or affiliation agreement or in a grant proposal without following scheduling procedures. Furthermore Auxiliary Space may not be used on a regular basis for academic courses without the approval of the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance, with the exception of Gateway Program Seminar and Preview Days.
Background Check | The process of conducting a Reference Check and gathering and reviewing criminal history records, financial history records, and/or motor vehicle records of Final Applicants seeking employment with UCCS. A Background Check may also include License and Educational Verifications and Excluded/Denied Parties List System Check, as well as other checks as identified within this policy.
Bartender | Individual dedicated to the distribution of the alcoholic beverages. The bartender may have no other assigned duties for the event. Depending on the number of participants, more than one bartender may be required. TIPS or equivalent training is required.
Base Pay | Ongoing budgeted salary for a position.
Board of Regents | The Constitution and statutes of the State of Colorado vest the supervision of the University of Colorado in the nine (9) elected Regents of the University of Colorado. (Colo. Const. art. VIII, section 5; Colo. Const. art. IX, section 12; C.R.S. §§23-20-111 and 23-20-112.)
Breach | The acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of protected health information (PHI) in a manner not permitted under federal regulation which compromises the security or privacy of the PHI. |
Business Associate | A person or entity that creates, receives, maintains or transmits PHI to perform certain functions or activities on behalf of a CE or provides legal, actuarial, accounting, consulting, data aggregation, management, administrative, accreditation, or financial services for a CE and the provision of the service involves the disclosure of PHI. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103. All Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) not in the template format must be reviewed by the UCCS privacy officer and the Office of University Counsel. Any breach of a BAA must be reported as soon as possible to the UCCS privacy officer. |
Campus | For the purposes of this policy, the campus will be defined to include all University owned buildings on and off campus, modulars, and space leased by the campus.
Campus Administration | Non-academic activities common across programs, such as registrar services, bursar services, compliance monitoring, and financial aid services, normally handled by staff. Campus administration, except financial aid, of all extended studies programs will occur in CWES.
Campus Contributions | Transfers to the campus general fund from extended studies proceeds. All such contributions are expected to come from funds under the direct control of CWES.
Campus Designated Capital | Funds designated for future specific capital projects and facilities initiatives that will be submitted for campus or Regents’ approval (depending on project size). This includes projects on the campus master plan, controlled maintenance, and health/life/safety expenditures.
Campus Leadership | The UCCS Leadership Team which consists of the Chancellor, the Provost, Vice Chancellors, and other appointees as determined by the Chancellor.
Campus Policy | A document used to provide specific or general statements for the effective operation of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) campus.
Campus Policy Review Process | A process used to assure policies review every three years, update of effective dates, documentation, and distribution of the campus policies.
Campus Wide Extended Studies (CWES) | The administrative unit at the campus level that handles all campus administration activities, except financial aid. CWES may handle program administration, as well, or those functions may be handled by colleges. Colleges always handle academic administration of for credit offerings.
Certificate Programs | A certificate program consists of a set of courses determined by a school, college, institute, or department that results in a sequence of study leading to a certificate of completion. Certificates may be a single discipline or interdisciplinary. Since all academic credit is offered through a department, college, or institute, centers may participate in certificate programs for academic credit in collaboration with a hosting department, college, school, or institute.
Chancellor | The chief executive officer of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Divisions reporting to the chancellor are Academic Affairs, Administration and Finance, Strategic Initiatives, Student Success & Enrollment Management, and University Advancement & Development. Departments reporting directly to the Chancellor are varied and may include Community and University Relations and Events, Information Technology, and Intercollegiate Athletics.
Chancellor's Cabinet
| A decision-making executive group that reports to the Chancellor and appointed by the Chancellor. Previously known as Leadership Team (LT). |
Chief Operating Officer |
An officer of the university, serves as a member of the Chancellor’s staff and on the Leadership Team. Oversees and directs development activities for university-designated staff.
Child or Children | Individuals under the age of 18, who are not current students or employees. |
The Collection | Permanent art and artifact collection of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
The Collection Committee | The Collection Committee is charged with strategic planning for and approval of gifts and purchases to the Collection. The Collection Committee will typically be comprised of the following representatives: UCCS Arts Professional, UCCS Architect, Galleries of Contemporary Art Director, UCCS Controller, UCCS Legal Counsel, UCCS Development Officer, Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair, Heller Center for the Arts & Humanities Curator and UCCS Archivist.
College | Reporting to the Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the colleges of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs are responsible for establishing the academic standards for all course offerings.
Colorado hazardous waste regulations (6 CCR 1007-3) | Define an electronic device as electronic equipment that contains one or more electronic circuit boards or other complex electronic circuitry.
Colorado Personnel Rules and Administrative Procedures (Chapter 3) | Essential, non-exempt positions, as designated by a department head, shall have paid leave counted as work time. Essential positions perform law enforcement, highway maintenance, and support services directly responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of patients, residents, students, and inmates.
Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation | A comprehensive specification (aligned with the ISO IS 15408) that first defines the targeted environment and then specifies the security requirements necessary to counter threats inherent in that environment.
Complainant | A person who is subject to alleged Protected Class discrimination, harassment or related retaliation.
Computing and Network Resources | All computers, computer systems, peripherals, network devices, networks, electronic mail services and software that are owned by UCCS.
Concentrations | Material volumes of revenues or supplies from a single source (vendor or payer), markets or geographic areas for which it is reasonably possible that a significant disruption in normal Organizational Unit’s finances could occur within the next year if that external single source was disrupted. An example would include more than 50% of patient revenues from the single vendor Medicare.
Conferral | Within CU Student Integrated Systems (CU-SIS), a student’s career (for degree or certificate program) is capped or finished. Students would need to apply to a different program to be able to continue enrollment after their certificate or degree has been conferred.
Conference Services | The UCCS department that schedules and reserves space, processes contracts, and invoices non-University users.
Confidentiality | An attribute of information. Confidential information is sensitive or private information, or information whose unauthorized disclosure could be harmful or prejudicial.
Conflict of Commitment
| A conflict of commitment refers to a situation in which outside relationships or activities interfere with, or have the appearance of interfering with, an employee's commitment to their university duties or responsibilities. |
Conflict of Interest | Situations in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, an employee’s professional judgment in administration, management, instruction, research and other professional activities. The bias such conflicts could conceivably impart may inappropriately affect the goals of research, instructional, or administrative programs. Consult the Administrative Policy Statement Conflict of Interest Policy if clarification is required.
Content Owner | Means the UCCS faculty or staff member responsible for monitoring and maintaining an Official UCCS Social Media Site.
Continuing student campus eligibility | Students in their second or later semester at UCCS are required to meet the NCAA eligibility requirements plus any additional requirements imposed by their coaching staff, and moreover must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. This GPA requirement will be examined every semester. The responsibility for tracking and reporting eligibility rests with the athletic department and (ultimately) with the student athlete.
Contractor | A third-party who has an independent and contractual relationship with UCCS who is not employed by UCCS. |
Contractual Services | Work performed by an independent contractor requiring specialized knowledge, experience, expertise. It is UCCS’s general policy to acquire contractual services by competitive processes.
Controlled SubstanceV | A controlled substance includes those controlled substances listed in schedules I through V of section 202 of the federal Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 812), as further defined by regulations at 21 CFR 1300.11 through 1300.15. Also, as defined under Colorado’s Uniform Controlled Substance Act of 1992 found in Colorado Revised Statutes Title 18, Article 18. [LinkV]
Conviction | A guilty verdict, a guilty plea or a plea of Nolo Contendere ("No Contest") of a felony or misdemeanor, other than minor traffic offenses. |
Cookie | A small text file that is sent to a user’s computer by the server that the user is visiting. This file can record preferences and other data about the user’s visit to a particular site. Cookies often are used for long-term data collection. Short-term cookies might be used for things like authentication in “single sign-on” services.
Cost Allocations | Are established to charge Auxiliary Funds for general and administrative costs that cannot be directly identified with those activities.
Cost-effective | To deliver desired results in beneficial financial terms.
Course of Study Certificate (Certificate Programs) | A set of at least 4 credit-bearing courses (or a total of 12 credit hours) offered by UCCS within a field of instruction listed by Department of Education’s Classification of Instructional Programs (CIPs). The Course of Study Certificate is not intended to lead to gainful employment and may or may not be eligible for financial aid, as determined by the UCCS Office of Financial Aid in conjunction with state and federal regulations.
Covered Entity (CE) | A health plan, a health care clearinghouse or a health care provider who transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a covered transaction. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103 |
Covered Transaction | The transmission of information between two parties to carry out financial or administrative activities related to health care and includes the following transmissions: 1. Health care claims or equivalent encounter information. 2. Health care payment and remittance advice. 3. Coordination of benefits. 4. Health care claim status. 5. Enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan. 6. Eligibility for a health plan. 7. Health plan premium payments. 8. Referral certification and authorization. 9. First report of injury. 10. Health claims attachments. 11. Health care electronic funds transfers (EFT) and remittance advice. 12. Other transactions that the Secretary may prescribe by regulation. 45 C.F.R. § 160.103 |
Credit Hours | The number of credit hours for which a student is enrolled. For the purposes of this policy, only main campus credit hours count. Main campus credit hours are those that are eligible for state funding and are identified as such in the Integrated Student Information System. Main campus credit hours do not include extended studies credit hours, which are not eligible for state funding.
Criminal History (Background) Check | Includes in-state, out-of-state and international criminal history, including misdemeanor and felony convictions. Criminal history does not include a minor traffic offense, an arrest, or a record that has been sealed by court order. May be furnished by a criminal justice agency or a third party vendor in the business of obtaining and providing criminal history records.
Critical Servers | Within UCCS, critical servers are devices needed to support major UCCS administrative services, or they are devices that contain personally identifiable information that has value in and of itself.
Crowdfunding | Seeking to fund a discrete project through the solicitation of donations of money (typically small) from large numbers of individuals, typically carried out in an online environment. Crowdfunding activities include, but are not limited to, funding for the following endeavors: research/scholarship, creative work (movies, plays, music, etc.), non-profit/social good ideas, entrepreneurial ideas, and travel.
Crowdsourcing | Refers to the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.
Data Custodians | Individuals who have been officially designated as accountable for specific data that is transmitted, used, and stored on a system or systems within a department, college, school, or administrative unit of UCCS.
Data Use Agreement (DUA) | UCCS designated health care components may use or disclose a limited data set (LDS) only if it obtains satisfactory assurance, in the form of a written DUA, that the LDS recipient will use or disclose the PHI for limited purposes. If the UCCS DUA template is not used, then the following components must be included in the agreement: 1. Establish the permitted uses and disclosures of the LDS, which must be limited to the purposes of research, public health, or health care operations; 2. Limit the LDS recipient to use or further disclose the PHI in the manner that the UCCS designated health care component may allow; 3. Establish who is permitted to use or receive the LDS; 4. Provide that the LDS recipient will: a. Not use or further disclose the PHI other than as permitted by the agreement or as otherwise required by law; b. Use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the PHI, other than as provided for by the agreement; c. Report to the UCCS privacy officer any improper use or disclosure of the LDS not provided for by the agreement of which the LDS recipient becomes aware; d. Ensure that any agents, including a subcontractor, to whom it provides the LDS agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the LDS recipient with respect to such PHI; and e. Not identify the PHI or contact the patients. 5. State that if the UCCS designated health care component becomes aware of a pattern of activity or practice of the LDS recipient that constitutes a material breach or violation of agreement, the UCCS designated health care component must take reasonable steps to cure the breach or end the violation, as applicable. If such steps are unsuccessful, the UCCS designated health care component must: a. Discontinue disclosure of the LDS to the recipient; and b. Report the problem to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. All DUA’s not in the template format must be reviewed by the UCCS privacy officer and the Office of University Counsel. Any breach of a DUA must be reported as soon as possible to the UCCS privacy officer |
Date of Hire | The date of hire indicated on a Letter of Offer. For employees who do not receive a Letter of Offer, the date the employee is first required to report to UCCS for work. Lacking both Letter of Offer and a report-to date, the date of hire shall be the first day the employee receives compensation for work.
De Minimisii Use | Personal use that is of so small a value that accounting for it would be unreasonable or administratively impractical. An example would be a meal stop between two official business destinations, as long as the meal location is on an essentially direct route between authorized destinations. Examples of prohibited use that are not de minimis includes, but is not limited to: Transporting any person not involved in University business including family members, friends, or relatives; Recreational use (except for authorized University activities); Transporting or storing personal property unrelated to University business; Use in support of any charitable philanthropic, religious, political or fraternal entity or activity (unless prior authorization is received in writing from the Approving Authority and Transportation Authority); any unlawful use.
Dean | The administrative officer of an academic college, school or library, or the Dean of Students.
Dean of Students | The office is also the disciplinary authority for student respondents.
Deceased Employee | Any employee who dies while employed by UCCS.
Decryption | The process of turning unreadable cipher text into readable text.
Degree Program | An academic program that culminates in conferral of a baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral degree listed on the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s List of Approved Degree Programs for UCCS.
Department | A distinctive section of University of Colorado Colorado Springs management, as designated by the Board of Regents or chancellor. Departments will generally be in Academic Affairs, Administration and Finance or Student Success.
Designated Health Care Components | As a hybrid entity, the applicable HIPAA compliance obligations apply only to the University’s designated health care components. 1. The designated health care components include: a. Any component that meets the definition of CE if it were a separate legal entity; b. Components only to the extent that they perform covered functions; and c. Components that provide business associate services to components that perform covered functions. 2. The designated health care components for UCCS can be found in Exhibit A of Administrative Policy Statement 5055 HIPAA Hybrid Entity Designation. 3. Employee and Information Services in consultation with the Office of University Counsel shall review and amend Exhibit A as needed, but no less frequently than annually. Extract or delete some HTML tag attributes from the desired tags, based on your criteria with the online HTML editor. Other useful features will help you to make web content composing a piece of cake. |
Designated Record Set | A group of records maintained by a UCCS designated health care component that is the medical and billing records about an individual and is used in whole or in part by the UCCS designated health care component to make decisions about the individual. |
Development Awards | Refers to awards given to a limited number of faculty who successfully complete post-tenure review. The award is intended to provide modest assistance for faculty development in the areas of teaching, research/creative work, clinical activity, and/or service. Each campus shall develop, or have its schools and colleges develop, criteria and processes for these awards.
Direct Costs | Instruction, room rental, course materials, etc. General administrative recharge – overhead paid on expenditures to compensate for campus-provided services outside of CWES and financial aid.
Director | The administrative head of a non-academic department or heads of units who are not chairs of departments.
Disciplinary Authority | A disciplinary authority is the individual who or office that has the authority or delegated authority to impose discipline upon a particular employee or student.
Discrimination | Occurs when an individual suffers a material adverse consequence, such as failure to be hired or promoted or denial of admission to an academic program on the basis of her/his Protected Class. Discrimination occurs when a person is denied an employment or educational benefit or is subject to an employment or educational detriment on the basis of his/her Protected Class.
Discretionary Pay Differentials | State Personnel Board Rules and Director’s Procedures provide the following guidelines for the seven types of discretionary pay available to classified employees, and for those types of premium pay, in addition to overtime, that are potentially available to classified employees. 1.Matching Pay Intent: To allow movement within a pay range for certain specified circumstances. Matching Pay applies to current employees who remain in the same position, and can be base building, non‑base building, or a combination of both. It is also an alternative to promotions or allocations where duties must be substantially altered in order to attempt to justify a higher class. This differential is not intended to be used for increased volume of work (addressed through performance awards), to retain an employee in the same position where there is no specific job offer to counter or to retain an employee with a unique skill when there is no specific job offer to counter. Matching Pay – Counteroffer -- Make a counteroffer to a verifiable, documented, bona fide internal or external job offer that must be presented in writing. Matching Pay‑Compression Adjustment – Ease compression within a range when newer employees are hired at higher base pay rates than current employees. Amount: Base pay (continuing) may be increased by any percentage up to grade maximum of the encumbered position. Non-base building (temporary) may be increased by any percentage up to the statutory salary lid, in any given month, until the end of the current fiscal year. Authority: The supervisor may request, in writing, a matching pay counter-offer adjustment or a matching pay compression adjustment. The request must include the recommended amount and appropriate supporting justification and source of funds. The request must be approved by the appropriate vice chancellor and the Chancellor. Once the request has been approved and submitted to the UCCS Personnel Department, a written agreement will be prepared between the employee and the department. 2. Signing Bonus Intent: To attract new, or reinstate eligible employees into the state personnel system. A signing bonus does not apply to current state employees. This pay differential is non‑base building and can be used in combination with, or in lieu of mid‑range hiring. a.Signing Bonus‑To fill critical positions where labor market shortages exist or documented recruitment/retention difficulty exists that jeopardize the campus mission. b.Signing Bonus‑To fill positions when an applicant possesses unique and critical skill in relationship to the market. Amount: The bonus can be any amount up to 10% of the annual grade maximum for the job. The signing bonus should be split into at least two payments – one payment when the individual starts to work and the remaining payment upon completion of the probationary period. If the employee is not still employed in the same position and performing satisfactorily or above, subsequent payments are forfeited. Authority: The supervisor may request, in writing, a signing bonus. The request must include the recommended amount and appropriate supporting justification and source of funds. The request must be approved by the appropriate vice chancellor and the Chancellor. Once the request has been approved and submitted to the UCCS Personnel Department, a written agreement will be prepared between the employee and the department. 3.Referral Award Intent: To reward current employees for the referral and subsequent hire of a new employee into the state personnel system into a position with a unique, specialized skill when there are documented shortages in the market and recruitment and retention difficulty. This is a non‑base building award. In addition, those with significant influence or responsibility for the hiring process are ineligible for this award. For example, Personnel Department staff and hiring supervisors or managers are ineligible. Amount: The referral award can be any amount up to $500. Authority: The supervisor may request, in writing, a referral award. The request must include the recommended amount and appropriate supporting justification and source of funds. The request must be approved by the appropriate vice chancellor and the Chancellor. Once the request has been approved and submitted to the UCCS Personnel Department, a written agreement will be prepared between the employee and the department. 4.Temporary Pay Differential Intent: To award temporary, non-base building pay in certain specified circumstances. The Temporary Pay Differential applies to current employees who remain in the same position. This differential also prevents having to permanently and substantially alter the work assignment in order to attempt to justify a higher class for a temporary assignment. a.Temporary Pay – Acting Assignment – The acting assignment differential applies when an employee assumes the full set of duties from a higher-level vacant position or from a higher-level encumbered position whose incumbent is on an extended leave. It can be used for a period that is longer than 30 days but less than six months. b.Temporary Pay – Long-term Project -- The Long-term Project differential applies when an employee is assigned a project, which is critical to the mission of the campus and enhances its operation. The type of project work is not customarily assigned to the position and project assignments are not an expected part of the regular assignment. (Note: this differential is not limited to project leaders only. Ongoing project leadership should be considered separately under the job evaluation system, perhaps as part of the work leader concept.) c. Temporary Pay Differential - Critical Skills -- The Critical Skills differential applies when an employee has unique, specialized knowledge or skills that are critically important to the mission of the campus and its productivity. The skill set is of such value that loss of the employee, or inability to recruit for the skill set due to documented labor shortage and recruitment difficulty would result in a demonstrated, severe adverse impact on the campus. Amount: The temporary pay differential can be any amount up to 10% of the employee’s current pay rate. Authority: The supervisor may request, in writing, a temporary pay differential. The request must include the recommended amount and appropriate supporting justification and source of funds. The request must be approved by the appropriate vice chancellor and the Chancellor. Once the request has been approved and submitted to the UCCS Personnel Department, a written agreement will be prepared between the employee and the department.
Distance Education | Instruction in which more than half of the attributed contact hours occur in circumstances in which students do not come to the campus or meet face-to-face with an instructor at another physical site. State regulation allows the institution to decide whether to offer this instruction via extended studies or as regular instruction. Off-campus instruction – face-to-face instruction that takes place away from the physical environs of the UCCS campus for more than half the attributed contact hours. Does not include ‘travel courses,’ which originate on campus, but in which instructor and students travel to one or more other sites. All off-campus instruction is considered to be extended studies activity, even if authorized for state funding. On-campus instruction may also be offered under extended studies under specific circumstances, but is not then eligible for state funding.
Donation | Only annual leave can be donated. Donations shall include annual leave that would otherwise be in excess of accrual limits, unless the employee specifically asks that it not be donated to the bank. A minimum donation of one half day is required.
Downward Movement Guidelines (Demotions) | A downward movement occurs any time an appointment is made to a new class at a lower grade, based on a comparison of the maximums of the classes involved. Downward movements are grouped into categories. One category may be the result of a classification review. One might be voluntary, as in the case of a demotion in lieu of layoff. Downward movements can be disciplinary in nature, or they can result when persons who are promoted are unsuccessful in their new class. Each of the above categories is handled somewhat differently under the state personnel system. Except in the case of disciplinary demotions, or when the employee is unsuccessful in a promotion to a higher class, the rules of the state personnel system attempt to protect the employee as much as possible from salary loss. In the case of downward movement resulting from job evaluation actions, even if the employee is moved to a class with a lower pay range, the current base pay is maintained for up to three years in accordance with the statutes. At the end of the three-year saved-pay period, an employee would face a pay reduction only if the base pay is above the maximum of the range. As specific rules apply based on the reason for the demotion, departments must work directly with the Personnel Department in establishing the appropriate salary level.
Educational Materials | Includes, but is not limited to, textbooks, electronic media, syllabi, tests, assignments, monographs, papers, models, musical compositions, works of art, unpublished manuscripts, and the like. Ref: APS 1014. Educational materials created for classroom learning programs, including electronic media, such as syllabi, assignments, and tests, shall remain the property of the author, creator, researcher, and innovator. Ref: Regent Policy 5K. |
Educational Verification | The process of ensuring that the Applicant possesses all educational credentials listed on the application, resume, cover letter, or otherwise cited. To be considered for any employment with UCCS, all degrees must be from an accredited university or college.
Electronics Banned from Landfills | • Computers • Computer monitors • DVD players • Electronic readers • Fax machines • Laptops • Notebooks, Netbooks, Ultrabooks • Peripherals • Printers • Slates and tablets • Televisions VCRs • Electronic telephones • Video display devices • Any electronic device with a cathode ray tube or flat panel screen greater than 4”
Electronic protected health information (ePHI) | Refers to any PHI that is covered under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) security regulations and is produced, saved, transferred or received in an electronic form. |
Eligible Associate Vice Chancellor | An eligible associate vice chancellor shall be an associate vice chancellor who has had that title and responsibility for a minimum of five years, has received a comprehensive review or has annual performance ratings for the prior five years of “exceeding expectations” and/or “outstanding”. Their new title may be changed to Vice Chancellor at the discretion of the Chancellor.
Eligible Vice Chancellor | An eligible vice chancellor shall be a vice chancellor who has had that title and responsibility for a minimum of five years, has received a comprehensive review or has annual performance ratings for the prior five years of “exceeding expectations” and/or “outstanding”. Their new title may be amended or changed to Senior Vice Chancellor at the discretion of the Chancellor.
Eligible Employee | Any full/part-time employee with a minimum of one year of service.
Emotional Support Animals | An “Emotional Support Animal” is an animal that provides emotional support that eases one or more identified symptoms of a person’s disability(s). This group includes therapy, emotional support or comfort animals. Unlike Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals are not trained to perform work or tasks, and they may include species other than dogs and miniature horses.
Employee(s) | All full and part time individuals hired by UCCS to perform services for UCCS, including, faculty, lecturers, classified staff, officer and exempt professionals, student employees, and temporary employees.
Employee New to UCCS | Individuals hired at UCCS or transferred to UCCS from another state agency who are in their first sixty days of employment at UCCS. A former employee will be considered new to UCCS if he/she has been terminated or retired from UCCS for more than one year from new hire date.
Employees in Professional Positions, Professionals, Professional Employees, Professional Staff | All refer to University employees who occupy positions that are, or are capable of being exempted from the state personnel system primarily because of their status as “professional positions”.
Encryption | The process of turning readable text into unreadable cipher text.
Enterprise Management | Refers to a campus-wide initiative led by Administration and Finance and is intended to leverage the resources of the university in order to maximize a financial return that will subsidize the overall operational budget that is dedicated to mission critical operations. Enterprise management departments include but are not limited to Residential Life and Housing, Recreation Center, Bookstore, Food Services, University Center, Conference Services, Parking, Transportation, Family Development Center, Galleries of Contemporary Art, and the Heller Center for the Arts & Humanities.
Entry Salaries | The rules and procedures used in the state personnel system provide guidance as to what new employees are paid. According to HB 1312 passed in 1998, initial hiring shall typically be at the minimum rate in the pay grade. On a showing of recruiting difficulty or other unusual condition, the appointing authority may authorize the appointment of a person at a higher base salary within the pay grade not to exceed the maximum of the range for the class. Due to continued tight labor market conditions, departments are encouraged to hire new permanent or temporary classified staff at up to 5% above the minimum of the pay range. Requests to hire at a salary that exceeds this rate must be in writing, approved by the appropriate Vice Chancellor, and submitted to the Personnel Department prior to the salary offer being made. The typical requests for higher salary rates are due to situations such as: 1. Extensive or unique advertising required to fill position 2. Fewer than 3 qualified applicants 3. Unusual market conditions 4. Candidate with special skills hired 5. Candidate’s salary history higher than norm 6. Equity within department 7. Mission-critical or unique work assignment 8. Retention or turnover issues In such situations, the department may also consider the use of a non-base building signing award at its discretion, and in accordance with its established plan.
Equity | Review of position’s compensation based on internal and external comparisons considering comparable worth and fair pay. Relevant reasons for equity adjustments could include comparisons of a long term employee to a new employee in the same role/level of responsibility, gender/race salary equity, etc.
Essential Services Personnel | Colorado Statute C.R.S. 24-50-104.5(1): The state personnel director shall establish the general criteria and processes necessary for the state personnel system to fully comply with all applicable federal employment laws. Holidays and periods of authorized paid leave falling within a regularly scheduled workweek shall be counted as work time in determining overtime for employees performing essential law enforcement, highway maintenance, and other support services directly necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of patients, residents, and inmates of state institutions or state facilities.
Estimates | Valuations of financial activity based on probable factors as opposed to known events that could change materially within the next year.
Evaluation Committee | This term refers to the group within the primary unit that is delegated by the primary unit the responsibility of initially reviewing the qualifications of candidates for appointment, reappointment, tenure, and promotion. In a small primary unit, all members of the unit may constitute such a committee. Evaluators who will review candidates at later stages of the review process shall not serve on primary unit evaluation committees.
Event | Means a conference, fundraising event, meal, meeting or any other gathering (formal or informal) on property owned or operated by UCCS or where UCCS funds are used to procure food, beverages, alcoholic beverages, and/or services, regardless of whether or not the space is licensed or not for alcoholic beverage sales.
Event Accommodation | A reasonable accommodation, adjustment, auxiliary aid or service that provides a person with a disability access to a University event. Such events include, but are not limited to, public lectures or meetings, theatre and music performances, athletic events and camps, gallery exhibits, seminars and colloquiums, and graduation ceremonies. Accommodations can include, but are not limited to interpreters, captionists, written materials in alternate format, listening devices and physically accessible locations.
Event Coordinator | Event Coordinator: Means one of the following: 1. The authorized CU employee who schedules the event and ensures compliance with all campus policies regarding alcohol and the State liquor code, applicable municipal code, and University policies for Private Events in public facilities where alcohol is present, or; 2. A representative of a non-UCCS or CU entity that is eligible to apply for a Special Event Permit as set forth in section V.B.5.c.(3). 3. A representative of a non-UCCS or CU entity that is not eligible to apply for a Special Event Permit as set forth in section V.B.5.c.(3).
Event Services and Scheduling | The UCCS department that schedules and reserves spaces, provides event support, and invoices University users.
Excluded/Denied Parties List System Check | The process of reviewing the federal electronic, web-based system that identifies those parties excluded from receiving federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain types of federal financial and nonfinancial assistance and benefits. |
Exclusions | Normal pregnancy, common illness, and illness/injury covered by short-term disability, PERA or Worker’s compensation are excluded and not eligible conditions for which additional leave may be granted.
Executive Team | A decision making executive group that reports to the Chancellor and appointed by the Chancellor.
Extended Studies Advisory Coordinating Committee | Provides operational coordination and discussion of issues between CWES and college extended studies programs, resulting in information-sharing, agreement on operational processes and recommendations to the ESC. Convened by the Director of CWES, and consists of the college extended studies directors/coordinators.
Extended Studies Council (ESC) | Provides executive-level advice to CWES and makes appropriate recommendations to the provost and chancellor. The ESC is convened by the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and consists of the deans, the director of CWES, and the directors of IT Services and the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment.
Extended studies (or extended campus) instruction (formerly C2, if for credit, C3 if not) | All other instruction not included in regular (main campus) instruction. Extended studies instruction is accounted for separately with the state, is not subject to the same regulations regarding tuition, and is only eligible for state funding if specifically approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education.
Extensive Review | Is the review that is undertaken when a faculty member has received two below expectation ratings within the previous five years or when a faculty member who has undertaken a Performance Improvement agreement did not achieve an evaluation of meeting expectations or better by the end of the agreement.
Extra Pay for Extra Work | The University has long recognized non-base building salary increases for extra duties, such as serving as department chair. Regent Policy 5-D and Regent Policy 11.B address those conditions under which faculty may receive additional remuneration for extra work.
F&A | Facilities and Administrative
Facilities | Includes all UCCS physical space and outdoor spaces. Facilities include Academic Space, Administrative Space, and Auxiliary Space.
Faculty | The faculty shall include, but not be limited to, full, associate, and assistant professors, senior instructors, instructors, lecturers, adjunct faculty, graduate teaching assistants, graduate part-time instructors, and undergraduate teaching assistants. Faculty shall be the faculty of record for the class.
Faculty Program Discontinuance Committee | The committee composed of faculty established to make advice and make recommendations to the Chancellor on program discontinuance.
Faculty Start-Up and Research Initiatives | These funds are obligated for committed faculty start-up, research cost sharing, bridge funding, and financial aid obligations.
Faculty Titles | As defined by Regent Policy 5-L, faculty titles fall into one of the following categories; tenure and tenure track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, clinical teaching track faculty, clinical faculty, research faculty, and museum faculty.
Fair Labor Standards | Fair Labor Standards designations apply and this policy does not change or alter the overtime provisions for FLSA non-exempt employees.
False Complaints or False Information | It is a violation of this Policy when a person knowingly or recklessly alleges a false complaint of discrimination, harassment or related retaliation or provides false information during the course of an investigation.
Fees | Every transaction incurs a "discount" and “processing” fee to the credit card system. In addition, there may be set-up fees in order to begin accepting credit card payments. Other costs also might include the cost of equipment used for processing card payments, supplies, annual security maintenance costs, as well as other items.
Final Applicant | A current, former, or prospective Employee recommended for hire, transfer or Promotion by the Hiring Authority and to whom a contingent offer is being made.
Finance System | The University’s official financial records, used to record all University fiscal transactions and prepare the University’s financial statements.
Financial Aid Eligibility | Non-degree seeking students are eligible to apply for financial aid only if the certificate is approved by the U.S. Department of Education for gainful employment status. Students in degree-seeking programs and completing certificate programs may still be eligible for financial aid under the normal rules and expectations for financial aid. Students in non-credit professional development programs are not eligible for financial aid.
Financial History (Background) Check | The gathering and reviewing of financial history records or information furnished by any court of civil law, credit reporting agency (credit report), or a third party vendor in the business of obtaining and providing credit reports for the purposes of evaluating Applicants for employment.
Financial Report Review Process | As required by the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Roles and Responsibilitiesi, policies and procedures that result in the routine review of financial information to ensure its proper capture in the University’s Finance System. Procedures may include the detailed review of fiscal transactions, periodic budget to actual analysis of financial activity, or prior year to current year analysis of financial activity. Procedures always include taking appropriate investigative and remedial action.
Financial Reporting Entity | As defined by generally accepted accounting principles, the University plus all organizations that meet the following criteria: (1) organizations for which the University is financially accountable (equivalent to control by the University as an entity or its Regents or Officers); (2) a legally separate, tax-exempt organization: whose economic resources are entirely or almost entirely for the direct benefit of the University’s financial reporting entity or its constituents, where the University has the ability to access (broader than control and is demonstrated by the ability not the occurrence in a given year) a majority of its economic resources, and such economic resources are Material to the University; (3) organizations for which the nature and significance is such that exclusion would be misleading to the University’s financial statements; or (4) organizations closely related to or financially integrated with the University as exhibited through policies, practices or organizational document of either entity.
Firewalls | Policy-based filtering systems (composed of both hardware and software) that control and restrict the flow of data between networked computer systems. Firewalls establish a physical or logical perimeter where selected types of network traffic may be blocked. Blocking policies typically are based on computer IP addresses or protocol type of application (e.g., Web access or file transfer). Types of firewalls relevant to this policy include: • Integrated OS (operating system) firewalls, bundled with the OS (e.g., Windows, Linux) • Dedicated firewalls protecting labs or server sanctuaries • Dedicated firewalls protecting individual hosts • Logical firewalls protecting non-co-located systems
First Level Review | This term refers to the Dean of the school or college to which the recommendations of the primary unit are taken. Without regard to the size of the school or college, the Dean shall not participate as a member of the primary unit but rather shall carry out the independent duties of the office specified by the Board of Regents.
First Semester campus eligibility | Students enrolled in their first semester at UCCS are required to meet the NCAA eligibility requirements plus any additional requirements imposed by their coaching staff. This provision also applies to students who transfer back to UCCS after at least a semester of full time enrollment at another institution.
Fiscal Manageriii | The key employee in the Operational Unit with the authority and responsibility for its fiscal transactions. Consult the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Roles and Responsibilities [i] if clarification is required.
Fiscal Managersiii | The key employee in the Organizational Unit with the authority and responsibility for its fiscal transactions. Consult the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Roles and Responsibilitiesiv if clarification is required.
Fiscal Misconduct | Deliberate acts or failure to act regarding fiscal matters, contrary to established law, rule or policy, with the intent to obtain an unauthorized benefit, which results in a loss or other damage to the University. Examples include circumstances of embezzlement; defalcation; misappropriation of goods, services, or resources; diversion of assets; conflict of interest situations that result in financial loss; and violation of University fiscal policies and procedures for personal gain. Some of these terms are technical legal terms and the references noted in the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Misconduct Reporting should be reviewed if clarification is required.
Fiscal Principles | Chairs, Directors and Principal Investigators (or equivalent titles) as the result of their assigned fiscal responsibility. Consult the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Roles and Responsibilitiesi if clarification is required.
Fiscal Staff | Employees (other than Fiscal Managers, Fiscal Officials, and Officers) of the University are involved in University fiscal transactions, such as initiating purchases, receiving cash or other negotiables, entering or reviewing transactions into the University’s Finance System, monitoring contractors, verifying compliance. Consult the Administrative Policy Statement Fiscal Roles and Responsibilities if clarification is required.
Fiscal Transactions | Financial transactions occur within numerous functions within the University. The following table illustrates some (but not all) examples of financial transactions (grouped by business functions).
Forensics (Computer) | The discipline of dissecting computer storage media, log analysis, and general systems to find evidence of computer crime or other violations.
Functional Area of Responsibility | A group of related business objectives, processes and entities for which an Officer has oversight by virtue of her/his position, includes multiple Organizational Units and the following characteristics: o Organizational permanency; and o Programmatic autonomy.
Functional Authority | indirect authority exercised over an identified group of staff over specific aspects of the job; in this case the financial aspects
Fund | A self-balancing set of records that include assets, liabilities, revenue, expense, transfers and fund balance.
Fund Accounting | To ensure the observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the University, the accounts are maintained in accordance with the principles of “fund accounting”. This is the procedure by which resources for various purposes are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into “funds” that are in accordance with the activities or objectives specified for the resources.
Fund Organization Program Project Sub-Class (FOPPS) | Describes the unique set of information contained within a speed type from various chart fields.
Fundraising | The act or activity of soliciting and collecting gift revenue benefiting the University. Examples of fundraising activities include the collection of gifts or money through: contributions or donations, sale or auction of merchandise or services, collection of registration or sponsorship fees, imposition of admission charges or registration fees, and/or membership fees.
Gainful Employment Certificate (Certificate Programs) | Programs that lead to gainful employment in a recognized occupation(s). The occupation(s) must be identified among those listed in the Standard Occupational Classification System managed by the U.S. Department of Labor and may be used by the Department of Education to determine whether finishers have been gainfully employed. Gainful employment programs are all programs except: programs that lead to a degree, programs that are two years in length and are fully transferable into a degree program, preparatory courses of study that are necessary for enrollment in a degree program, and programs for teacher certification or licensure. Gainful employment programs are Title IV eligible. Institutions must certify that each gainful employment program meets applicable institutional or program-level accreditation requirements and state or federal licensure standards.
Gainful Employment Regulationsvi | Published by the U.S. Department of Education to establish standards for programs that prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation. Rulemaking and regulations are subject to change. Refer to (Linkvi) Programs with GE certificates are responsible for ensuring they are in continual compliance with GE requirements.
GAR | General Administrative Recharge
GPA | The cumulative grade point average on all courses taken at the University of Colorado by the student from the time of initial enrollment in the CU system.
General Fund | For UCCS, these are unrestricted funds used to account for the majority of the revenue and expenses of the University’s primary mission of instruction and its functions of academic, student services, institutional support, operation of plant, and scholarships and fellowships. They are mainly from State appropriations, program fees, tuition, and indirect research.
General Programmatic Reserves | General departmental reserves for campus support. Category includes reductions for grant deficits or pre-awards, which are claims on department resources, and program, course and student fees.
Graduate School | The Graduate School has oversight and coordination responsibilities for all graduate programs on campus.
Harassment | Verbal or physical conduct that unreasonably interferes with an individual's work or academic performance or creates an intimidating or hostile work or educational environment.
Health Care Component | A unit or combination of units designated by UCCS because they meet the definition of CE or business associate in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) including all pertinent regulations (45 CFR Parts 160 and 164) issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as either have been amended by Subtitle D of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (the “HITECH” Act), as Title XIII of Division A and Title IV of Division B of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5). This definition also includes the UCCS Health Circle Clinics and any other UCCS unit that falls within the definition of a business associate of the UCCS HealthCircle Clinics. UCCS health care components are identified in Exhibit A of Administrative Policy Statement 5055 HIPAA Hybrid Entity Designation. |
Health Care Operations | Include but are not limited to the following activities: 1. Quality assessment and improvement activities including: a. Outcomes evaluation and development of clinical guidelines, provided that the obtaining of generalizable knowledge is not the primary purpose of studies resulting from such activities; Include but are not limited to the following activities: 1. Quality assessment and improvement activities including: a. Outcomes evaluation and development of clinical guidelines, provided that the obtaining of generalizable knowledge is not the primary purpose of studies resulting from such activities; b. Patient safety activities; c. Population-based activities relating to improving health or reducing health care costs; protocol development; case management and care coordination; contacting of health care providers and patients with information about treatment alternatives; 2. Reviewing the competence or qualifications of health care professionals; 3. Evaluating practitioner and provider performance; 4. Conducting training programs in which students, trainees, or practitioners in areas of health care learn under supervision to practice or to improve their skills as health care providers; 5. Training of non-health care professionals; 6. Accreditation, certification, licensing, or credentialing activities; 7. Conducting or arranging for medical review, legal services, and auditing functions, including fraud and abuse detection and compliance programs; 8. Business planning and development; 9. Business management and general administrative activities of the UCCS designated health care components, including, but not limited to, management activities related to implementation of and compliance with HIPAA requirements, resolution of internal grievances, creating de-identified health information or a limited data set, and fundraising for the benefit of the UCCS designated health care component. |
Health Information | Information created or received by a health care provider, health plan, public health authority, employer, life insurer, school, university, or health care clearinghouse that relates to: an individual’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition; the provision of health care to an individual; or payment for provision of health care to an individual. |
HIPAA-Related Documentation | Documentation that contains protected heath information (PHI) or is required by UCCS HIPAA policies. |
Hiring Authority | The individual in a campus department or program with the authority to make hiring decisions. For classified positions, this is the delegated appointing authority. For officer and university staff positions, this is typically a department director or academic department chair/associate dean. The Hiring Authority is accountable for the personnel actions occurring within a department, college, school, unit or institute.
Honorary Names | Include concepts, places, flora and fauna, natural landmarks, etc. Honorary names also include the names of individuals and groups.
Hostile Environment | Unwelcome conduct by an individual against another individual based upon her/his Protected Class that is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it alters the conditions of education or employment and creates an environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive. The determination of whether an environment is "hostile" must be based on all of the circumstances. These circumstances could include the frequency of the conduct, its severity, and whether it is threatening or humiliating. Simple teasing, offhand comments and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not amount to hostile environment harassment.
Hybrid Entity | A single legal entity that conducts both covered and non-covered functions and designates health care components in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.105(a)(2)(iii)(D). 45 C.F.R. § 164.103 |
ICR | Indirect-cost-recovery
Identification of Covered Employees | This procedure covers all classified staff at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) who are members of the Colorado State Personnel System, who have achieved probationary or certified status in the State Personnel System.
Identification of Covered Employees | This procedure covers all classified staff at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) who have at least one year of state service.
Immediate Family | Member includes spouses, domestic partners, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, first cousins, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law and any other person who is a member of the employee’s household.
Immediate Family Member (policy 300-006) | For the purpose of policy 300-006, an immediate family member is a spouse, domestic partners, civil union partner, independent or dependent child. |
Immigration Reform and Control Act | This policy applies to all employees hired on or after November 6, 1986
Impairment | To be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while in the workplace or performing work-related duties such that the employee’s motor senses (e.g., sight, hearing, balance, reaction, reflex) or judgment either are, or may reasonably be presumed to be, affected.
Incident Response Capability | The ability to respond appropriately and completely too any incidents, situational compromises, or threats from any source.
Incidental Disclosure | A secondary use or disclosure that cannot reasonably be prevented, is limited in nature, and occurs as a result of another use or disclosure that is permitted by the Rule. |
Inclusive Campus Action Team (ICAT) | ICAT is a standing committee of appropriate campus stakeholders organized and convened by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusiveness with the authorization of the Chancellor. ICAT provides informational resources and advice to faculty, staff and students on inclusiveness issues as well as helping identify the appropriate reporting mechanisms. ICAT is a resource to the ODH in addressing complaints and remedies. ICAT also monitors trends, leads initiatives, and advises campus leadership on inclusiveness concerns.
Information Assets | Technology including but not limited to data, computer hardware, computer software, networks owned or operated by the University of Colorado.
Information Systems | UCCS electronic information systems and data assets. All computing systems, networks, digital information, and other electronic processing or communications related resources or services provided through UCCS.
Institutional Support | Includes human resources, accounting, budget, UIS, PSC, PBS, Treasury, statewide indirect cost allocation and other administrative costs. Institutional Support does not include utilities, grounds, custodial services or building maintenance expenses.
Integrity | Data or a system remains intact, unaltered, and reliable.
Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Committee (“IAAC”) | Primary oversight group for all aspects of the University’s intercollegiate athletics program and guided by the student-athlete.
Interim Appointment | Temporary or acting appointment to a permanent position where responsibilities and scope are at a higher level, or where additional, more complex duties and responsibilities are assigned to a position.
Internal Controls | A comprehensive strategy for achieving: protection of assets; adequate authorization and record keeping procedures; operational effectiveness and efficiency; proper segregation of duties; reliability of financial reporting; and compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations, and rules, as well as contracts, grants and donor restrictions.
Intrusion Detection | A security management system that gathers and analyzes information from various areas within a computer or a network to identify possible security breaches, which include both intrusions (attacks from outside the organization) and misuse (attacks from within the organization).
Layoff Matrix | The matrix ranks employees within the time bands. The Matrix will be posted on the Human Resources website.
Layoff Plan | Includes a description of the fundamental changes to positions and the department/college and its effect on employees, the reasons for the change, the anticipated benefits, results and cost savings, how the work performed by eliminated positions will be absorbed by the department/college, a revised organizational chart, a list of eliminated positions, and a list of positions where minimum and special qualifications have been modified in the last 60 days.
Leadership Team | A decision-making executive group that reports to the Chancellor and appointed by the Chancellor.
License Holder | Responsible party who applies for and is granted a license or permit to sell alcoholic beverages. At UCCS, the license holder is either Theatreworks for Theatreworks space only, the UCCS food service provider Sodexo for specific space detailed in Licensed Premise definition, or an individual department applying for and granted a special permit license (see definition below).
License Verification | The process of ensuring and verifying all licenses listed on the application, resume, cover letter, or otherwise cited by the Applicant.
Licensed Premise | Means a specific location where the sale and service of Alcohol for consumption on the location has been authorized under Colorado law. The only Licensed Premises (Hotel and Restaurant license) at UCCS currently are: University Center (all floors), GOCA 1420 (Art Gallery), Gallogly Center, Dwire Hall 1st floor, UC upper plaza, Dwire Hall 2nd floor, Bon Vivant Theatre (for THEATREWORKS performances only; Arts License)
Limited Data Set (LDS) | Use or disclose limited data sets of PHI without the need for a valid authorization for the purpose of research, public health, or health care operations, as long as the following conditions are met; 1. That the purpose of the use and disclosure is limited to research, public health, or health care operations; 2. That the use or disclosure complies with the Minimum Necessary Standard; 3. The source of the PHI and the use or disclosure does not place an undue burden on UCCS designated health care component resources. An LDS consists of PHI that excludes the following identifiers of the individual, or of the individual’s relatives, employers, or household members: 1. Names; 2. Postal address information, other than town and city, State, and zip code; 3. Telephone numbers; 4. Fax numbers; 5. Electronic mail addresses; 6. Social security numbers; 7. Medical record numbers; 8. Health plan beneficiary numbers; 9. Account numbers; 10. Certificate/license numbers; 11. Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers, including license plate numbers; 12. Device identifiers and serial numbers; 13. Web Universal Resource Locators (URLs); 14. Internet Protocol (IP) address numbers; 15. Biometric identifiers, including finger and voice prints; and, 16. Full face photographic images and any comparable images. Before an LDS may be disclosed, a data use agreement must be in place between UCCS and the recipient of the LDS. |
Line Authority | Direct authority exercised over certain staff.
Major Alteration | Any alteration that requires design work and may require hiring of a contractor for construction.
Major Facilities | Include buildings, wings of buildings, recreational fields, plazas, fountains, roadways, walkways, malls, quadrangles, and similar facilities on the campus of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Major Life Activities | Functions such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, sitting, standing, lifting, reaching, thinking, concentrating, reading, writing, learning, communicating and working.
Merit | Merit is the historical basis for all salary increases at the University of Colorado. Salary adjustments or increases that take into account market, career, equity, or structural factors must be simultaneously based on merit.
Minimum Necessary Standard | Applies when using or disclosing PHI, or when requesting PHI from others. A CE must take reasonable steps to limit uses and disclosures of PHI to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose of the use, disclosure, or request. The minimum necessary standard applies to all uses and disclosures for the purposes of payment, health care operations, and research (it does not apply to treatment). Even if accessing PHI for research purposes pursuant to an authorization, the researcher must limit the amount of information requested in the authorization to the minimum necessary. |
Minor Alteration | An alteration that requires no or minimal design work and most often can be accomplished with in-house Facilities or Auxiliary Facilities staff.
Motor Vehicle Check | The process of gathering and reviewing motor vehicle and/or driver's license records or information, including motor vehicle records from any state where the Applicant has resided. |
National Collegiate Athletics Association (“NCAA”) | Governing body of which the University is an active member.
NCAA Eligibility | To be NCAA eligible, the student/athlete must satisfy all the NCAA Academic and General Eligibility requirements defined in article 14 of the NCAA By-laws. This includes, but is not limited to: A. Being enrolled as full time student B. Maintaining satisfactory progress towards a degree C. Satisfying the institutional definition of good academics standing (eligible to enroll) |
Net Receipts | Net receipts as defined by System Policy means all financial consideration received by the University or its agent from the transfer, license, development, or commercial exploitation of the intellectual property, less all unreimbursed legal expenses.
New Employee Orientation Period | The first sixty days of employment, beginning from Date of Hire.
New Employee to UCCS | Individuals hired at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) or transferred to UCCS from another state agency who are in their first sixty days of employment at UCCS. A former employee will be considered new to UCCS if he/she has been terminated or retired from UCCS for more than one year from new hire date.
Non-Base | Salary adjustments that are not permanent or ongoing, and generally end or are reestablished each fiscal year.
Non-Base Building Salary | Regent Policy 5 and 11 defines those services for which faculty may receive additional remuneration. This additional remuneration is not included in the faculty member’s base salary and is not used to calculate the faculty member’s merit increase.
Non-Notated Certificate (NN Certificate) (Certificate Programs) | This is a set of courses that a program groups together in a focused area, but will NOT be notated on the transcript nor approved for financial aid beyond students’ normal eligibility as a degree seeking student. A program may present to eligible students a piece of paper (a certificate) indicating completion of the set of courses. Departments/Units/Programs offering this type of certificate must make it clear that their programs are not GE or CoS certificates and be mindful that students may expect the certificate to be notated on transcripts. In particular, programs must inform students that this type of certificate will not be notated on their transcript, although the courses themselves will be on the transcript. These courses may be taken for credit as part of a degree, major, or minor if approved by the department/college/school. Programs are encouraged to consider if other certificate types may better fit the students’ need for official institutional documentation of the certificate program.
Non-repudiation | A mutually agreed upon process, secured evidence, or other method of operation that provides proof of receipt or protection from denial of an electronic transaction or other activity.
Non-University users | Individuals who do not have an employment or student relationship with UCCS, and external programs and/or organization which are not administrative units or sponsored organization of UCCS.
Obligated Funds | Obligated Funds are unrestricted net position (Fund Balance) that are obligated to specific projects (see below), or are held for contractual payments (such as faculty start-up). The categories that follow are the approved designations of obligated funds.
Off Site | A location separate and distinct from the area in which something, such as a computer, is located-- Frequently referred to when considering backup storage.
Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) | The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) is the campus office designated to address all forms of alleged discrimination based on protected class, including sex-based harassment under Title IX, sexual misconduct, and conflicts of interest in cases of amorous relationships. The OIE can also provide supportive and safety measures, and assist with accommodations based on pregnancy or related conditions and religion or creed. You may contact the OIE via e-mail at equity@uccs.edu or by phone, 719-255-4324.
Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) | Designated divisions, departments or colleges that are assigned the task of developing, writing, reviewing, formatting, and revising campus policies.
Official UCCS Communication | Means communications done in the name of UCCS.
Official UCCS Social Media Site | Social Media site that is done in the name of UCCS.
Official Use | Operation of a vehicle in support of UCCS business, operations, or sponsored/supported activities as designated by the Approving Authority.
Overtime Compensation | In general, for an eligible employee, overtime is paid at one and one-half times the employee’s pay rate for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Please contact the Personnel Department for any specific questions on overtime regulations and how they are applied to classified staff.
Outsourcing Agreement | A contract for an outside vendor to provide card processing software, hardware and or internet accessibility for accepting payment cards on behalf of the department.
Ownership | The term that signifies decision-making authority and accountability for a given span of control.
Participant | All undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral research associates engaging in UCCS-related or UCCS-sponsored student international educational travel. Participants also include any faculty and staff traveling with students who are engaged in UCCS-related or UCCS-sponsored student international educational travel.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS) | Required standards for the protection of cardholder data, both in electronic and paper form, issued and maintained by the Payment Card Associations Security Standards Council and the Payment Card Associations (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) and enforced by the University’s Acquiring Bank.
Payment Card Information | Includes any information relating to a cardholder’s account with a payment card company. This includes cardholder name, card number, expiration date, and the contents of a card’s magnetic stripe, as well as other information related to the payment transaction.
Payment Card Merchant Guidelines | Guidelines posted on the Treasurer’s web site regarding the acceptance of payment cards.
Pay Plan | The heart of the compensation system is the pay plans—a plan for each of the 10 occupational groups. Most employees are covered by a pay plan that uses a series of grades. A grade indicates a unique range of salaries with a minimum and maximum. In any case, each class of work identified within the state personnel system is assigned to a grade in the appropriate pay plan. This means that any other employee within the state personnel system whose job is placed in the same class and grade will be paid within the same range. Movement through the range is generally based on performance.
Perimeter Security | The ability to protect the outer limits of a network, or a physical area, or both.
Personally Identifiable Information | Specific data, elements of non-specific aggregate data, or other information that is tied to, or otherwise identifies, an individual or that provides information about an individual in a way that is reasonably likely to enable identification of a person as an individual and make personal information about them known.
Person with a Disability | One who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits her/him in one or more major life activities, one who has a record of such an impairment, or one who is regarded as having such an impairment.
Personnel Action Form (PFA) | A form utilized by the Human Resources Office to adjust an employee’s pay in the payroll system.
Personnel and Benefits Committee | One of three Standing Committees of the Faculty Assembly.
Pet | A “pet” is any animal kept for ordinary use and companionship.
Post-Tenure Review (PTR) | Is a review of a tenured faculty member’s performance record undertaken every five years. This regular review is undertaken by the department/primary unit and it determines whether the faculty member is meeting the professional standards outlined by the department/primary unit’s policy on written standards and criteria.
Post-award | Post-award is the period of time from actual receipt of an award document or fully executed agreement through final project technical and financial reporting, closeout from the accounting system, and audit resolution.
Pre-award | Pre-award is the period of time during which a proposal is developed, reviewed, submitted to a funding organization, and, if necessary, negotiated prior to actual receipt of an award document or fully executed agreement.
President | The Board of Regents has delegated to the President the responsibility for the administration of the University under the policies described by the Board of Regents.
President of the Faculty Assembly Duties | a) Preside over all meetings of the Assembly, the Representative Assembly, and the Executive Committee. b) Appoint all standing committee members, in consultation with other officers. c) Nominate faculty for service on other University committees. d) Nominate faculty to serve the interests of the Faculty Assembly in administrative or other relationships. e) Meet regularly with Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, and other administrators as needed. f) Represent Faculty Assembly as a member of Deans’ Council and the University Budget Advisory Committee. g) Represent the campus Faculty Assembly on the system-wide Faculty Council and serves on the Faculty Council Executive team. h) Attend campus functions to represent Faculty Assembly when possible. i) Refer policies and business to the appropriate Faculty Assembly committees and ensure proper follow-up. j) Distribute agendas, proposed motions, and resolutions of the Faculty Assembly and Representative Assembly.
President-Elect Duties | a) Perform the duties of the President when he/she is unable to do so. b) Serve as alternate representative to the system-wide Faculty Council. c) Chair the Elections Committee. d) Serve as parliamentarian for meetings of the Faculty Assembly and the Representative Assembly. e) Distribute agendas, proposed motions, and resolutions of the Faculty Assembly and Representative Assembly.
Primary Unit | This term refers to the unit composed of professional colleagues most directly involved with the candidate and having authority to make recommendations concerning appointment, reappointment, tenure, and promotion. In schools and colleges with departmental organizations, each department will constitute a primary unit. In a school or college without such organization all full-time faculty members shall have the responsibility for developing the terms of their own working structure whereby the primary unit is defined. The primary unit might be a division, or might be the school or college as a whole. In some instances the primary unit may involve cognate departments or institutes. The Dean of the school or college and the chief academic officer shall be informed in writing of the determined structure of the primary unit. Only members of the primary unit holding tenure shall vote on decisions relating to tenure, except that non-tenured members of the primary unit may be permitted to vote on decisions relating to tenure when authorized by the Dean of the school or college and the chief academic officer when circumstances, in their discretion, so justify.
Principal Investigator | For the purposes of this policy, the term “Principal Investigator” includes Principal Investigator, Project Director and Program Director. This is the person who has been identified by UCCS and the sponsoring organization as the individual having primary responsibility for the intellectual and technical conduct and fiscal management of the sponsored program.
Principal Investigator (PI) | A UCCS employee who has been identified by UCCS and the sponsoring organization as the individual having primary responsibility for the intellectual and technical conduct and fiscal management of a sponsored program.
Principle of Least Privilege | Access privileges for any user should be limited to only what is necessary to complete their assigned duties or functions, and nothing more.
Principle of Separation of Duties | Whenever practical, no one person should be responsible for completing or controlling a task, or set of tasks, from beginning to end when it involves the potential for fraud, abuse, or other harm.
Privacy | An individual's right to be left alone; to withdraw from the influences of his or her environment; to be secluded, not annoyed, and not intruded upon; to be protected against the misuse or abuse of something legally owned by an individual or normally considered by society to be his or her property.
Privacy Board | A review body that may be established to act upon requests for a waiver or an alteration of the authorization requirement under the Privacy Rule for uses and disclosures of PHI for a particular research study. A privacy board may waive or alter all or part of the authorization requirements for a specified research project or protocol. A CE may use and disclose PHI, without an authorization or with an altered authorization, if it receives the proper documentation of approval of such alteration or waiver from a privacy board. |
Privacy Officer | Is the UCCS Director of Campus Compliance who is responsible for managing the risks and business impacts of HIPAA privacy laws and policies. For detailed information, visit the Ethics and Compliance Website at https://www.uccs.edu/compliance/ or contact directly at comply@uccs.edu |
Privacy Statement | Sometimes referred to as a privacy policy, a privacy statement is posted on an organization's Web site to notify visitors of the types of information being collected and what will be done with the information.
Private Event | Means an Event not open to the general public where Alcohol is served. There are three types of private events:
1. University Private Event, all of the following must be satisfied: a. Alcohol is included in the admission charge or other charge for participation and the participation charge is the same regardless of whether the person attending consumes Alcohol or not. b. The Event must be by invitation only. This does not include an Event where attendees register in response to an announcement of the Event. c. The Event cannot have been advertised as open to the public. d. There must be a mechanism in place for identifying invited guests at the entrance to assure that only invited participants enter the Event. 2. Non-University Private Event, all of the following must be satisfied: a. The Event is not related to University business. b. If Alcohol is sold in any manner, including as part of an admission price to an event (see definitions), the event must be held in a licensed space. Note: A Special Event License is not available for Non-University Private events. c. If alcohol is not sold in any manner, but is served, the event can be in an unlicensed space. d. All events must be reserved through Conference Services and appropriate rental charges, alcoholic beverage request form available through Conference Services, and liability requirements must be satisfied. 3. Individual Private Event: This policy does not apply to individual private events. To qualify as an individual private event, all of the following must be satisfied: a. The event is not held in a licensed facility. b. Alcohol is not sold. c. The event is not a university event and university funds are not being used to procure the alcohol. d. No one under 21 attends the event. e. Ten or fewer people are in attendance. f. The event is held in a private space such as a private suite in campus housing where alcoholic beverages are not otherwise prohibited or in a private office. g. No one at the event is prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages based on any law or policy (such as an individual in a safety related position).
Professional Development Certificate (PD Certificate) (Certificate Programs) | This is a set of courses not taken for academic credit and which provides professional development for non-degree seeking students (degree-seeking students may participate in PD certificates but they do not count towards a degree). These certificates are notated on the non-credit transcript. Departments/Units/Programs offering this type of certificate must make it clear that their programs are not GE certificates and that they are not eligible for financial aid.
Professional Position | A position that meets the following requirements, (may be in addition to other duties and responsibilities of the position): 1. Requires knowledge in a field of learning customarily and characteristically acquired through education or training that meets the requirements of a bachelor’s or higher degree, or equivalent specialized experience; 2. Requires the creative and conceptual application of theories, methods, principles, and practices of the field of learning, as well as management program objectives, law and regulations, general systems and guidelines to generate original, creative and/or novel work-product or solutions as circumstances warrant; 3. Performs duties and responsibilities that are predominately intellectual and varied in nature, requiring creative, analytical, evaluative, interpretive, or critical thinking in the context of the identifiable professional field (or field of learning); 4. Requires exercise of discretion and independent judgment, requiring only general supervision in performing normal day-to-day work (the full range of professional tasks).
Program Administration | Non-academic activities specific to a particular program, such as course scheduling, room arrangements, processing instructor appointments, and providing information to students, appropriately handled by staff.
Program for Children | A University program operated exclusively or primarily for children left in University care without parent or guardian supervision and that requires registration or application. Any child care center operated on campus pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 26-6-101 to -121 complies with state laws and regulations applicable to a child care center and is excluded from this policy. These laws and regulations exceed the standards set forth in this policy. |
Program Operator | A University unit that operates a program for children or that contracts with an unaffiliated program operator to operate a program for children |
Promotion | Job advancement, title enhancement, and/or pay increase action or process open to current Employees and which involve increased and/or different job duties and responsibilities. For classified staff positions, a Promotion occurs when the Employee is appointed to a class with a higher pay grade maximum than his/her current or previous position. For officer and university staff positions, a Promotion occurs when the Employee accepts a higher-level job title or is appointed to a job title with a higher salary. For faculty positions, a Promotion occurs when a tenure track faculty accepts an administrative position with increased and/or different position responsibilities (e.g. Professor who accepts a Department Chair, Institute Director, Faculty Director, or Associate Dean appointment). For the purpose of this policy, a Promotion does not include appointments built into a current position, e.g., academic progression from assistant professor to associate professor or entry-level classified staff positions that normally progress to the next classification level.
Proposal | Proposal is the document required by external funding agencies to apply for funding that describes the plan for a research, instruction, training, or other program and requests financial support.
Protected Health Information (PHI) | Means individually identifiable health information transmitted or maintained in any form or medium that is created, collected, or received by the UCCS designated health care components, whether used for academic, administrative, research or health care purposes. PHI excludes individually identifiable health information in education records covered by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and in University employment records. The following are identifiers of the individual or of relatives, employers, or household members of the individual: 1.Names; 2.All geographic subdivisions smaller than a State, including street address, city, county, precinct, zip code, and their equivalent geocodes, except for the initial three digits of a zip code if, according to the current publicly available data from the Bureau of the Census: a.The geographic unit formed by combining all zip codes with the same three initial digits contains more than 20,000 people; and b. The initial three digits of a zip code for all such geographic units containing 20,000 or fewer people is changed to 000. c. Currently, 036, 059, 063, 102, 203, 556, 592, 790, 821, 823, 830, 831, 878, 879, 884, 890, and 893 are all recorded as "000". 3. All elements of dates (except year) for dates directly related to an individual, including birth date, admission date, discharge date, date of death; and all ages over 89 and all elements of dates (including year) indicative of such age, except that such ages and elements may be aggregated into a single category of age 90 or older; 4. Telephone numbers; 5. Fax numbers; 6. Electronic mail addresses; 7. Social security numbers; 8. Medical record numbers; 9. Health plan beneficiary numbers; 10. Account numbers; 11. Certificate/license numbers; 12. Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers, including license plate numbers; 13. Device identifiers and serial numbers; 14. Web Universal Resource Locators (URLs); 15. Internet Protocol (IP) address numbers; 16. Biometric identifiers, including finger and voice prints; 17. Full face photographic images and any comparable images; and 18. Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or code. The CE does not have actual knowledge that the information could be used alone or in combination with other information to identify an individual who is a subject of the information. |
Qualified Individual with a Disability | In the educational context, refers to a student with a disability who meets the essential program requirements for his/her academic program and for each course of study, with or without reasonable accommodation. In the employment context, refers to an individual with a disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job-related requirements of the employment position and who can perform the essential functions of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Reference Check | The process of contacting individuals, including current and former employers, companies and educational institutions that may reasonably be calculated to provide relevant information regarding an Applicant's fitness for employment with UCCS.
Regular Faculty | Instructor, Senior Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.
Reasonable Accommodation | A modification or academic adjustment that will enable a qualified student, job applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the educational process or the application process or to perform essential job functions. Reasonable accommodation also includes modifications or adjustments to assure that a qualified individual with a disability has the rights and privileges in employment and access to education equal to those of non-disabled employees or students. A reasonable accommodation must not create an undue hardship on the University.
Regular Members of the Faculty Assembly | a) All persons holding the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior instructor, or instructor with at least a 0.5 instructional or administrative appointment. b) All faculty emeriti. c) The Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and all academic deans (i.e. - those deans who report to the VCAA). d) Other regular members designated by the Representative Assembly, as provided for in the Bylaws.
Regular (or main campus) instruction (formerly C1) | Instruction offered on campus or via distance under state-regulated, regent-approved tuition rates. Regular instruction offered to Colorado residents is eligible for state funding. Regular instruction enrollments are recognized and accounted for by the state much more systematically than extended studies instruction.
Religious and Spiritual Observance | Religious and Spiritual Observance is not limited to traditional organized religions, but includes the much broader range of belief systems covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 including Native American and other indigenous spiritual practices and ceremonial obligations (see http://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/religion.html).
Research | A systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. (As defined by the National Institute of Health) |
Reserve Funds | Reserve Funds (Plant fund 72) are used to establish cash reserves for future needs such as debt payments, campus/departmental initiatives and capital renewal and replacement expenses. Examples include but are not limited to: debt service reserves as required by bond covenants, new building construction, building renovations, capital equipment purchases, faculty start-up funding, contingency reserve and general programmatic needs for campus support that may include health, life, and safety issues.
Respondent | A person whose alleged conduct is the subject of a complaint. |
Restricted Fund | Restricted Funds include sponsored research projects, federal and state financial aid programs, and gift funds.
Retaliation | Retaliation is prohibited by this Policy. To be considered retaliation, a causal connection is required between a materially adverse action and the act of (1) reporting an allegation of discrimination or harassment; or (2) participating in support of an investigation of discrimination or harassment. A materially adverse action is one that would dissuade a reasonable person from reporting an allegation of discrimination or harassment, or participating in support of an investigation of an allegation of discrimination or harassment. A determination of whether an action is materially adverse is made on a case-by-case basis.
Retention Area | Only classified positions within UCCS are considered when determining retention rights.
Retention Rights | Employees with lower matrix ratings will be displaced before employees with higher rankings, except no veteran can be displaced before a non-veteran, regardless of rank.
Review | An opportunity for the Academic Ethics Code Committee to gather information and hear all aspects of alleged Student Academic Ethics Code violations from both faculty and accused students.
Review Committee | This term refers to the faculty group that assists in the first level review procedures.
Review of Centers and Institutes | As noted in the System APS, the APS (and therefore this campus policy) does not apply to centers or other units created by a campus to provide services to faculty and/or students, but rather to those units created to interact with, and/or provide services, such as research, to organizations outside the university. Therefore, this policy does not apply to UCCS’s Excel Centers, the Student Success Center, the Teaching and Learning Center, etc. It does apply, for example, to centers involved with research or community outreach services. |
Risk Financing Activities | Reserves are set aside in a trust for professional liability.
Risk Management | A comprehensive methodology that strives to balance risks against benefits in a pre-defined environment.
Safety-Related Positions | Include, but are not limited to, positions involved in transportation, facilities maintenance, safety, health, security, or other responsibilities such as those involving the operation of equipment or machinery.
Salary Pool | The term salary pool refers to the maximum average percentage increase in salary approved by the Board of Regents.
Sale of Alcohol | Means that Alcohol is served or delivered for value. In particular, alcohol is considered sold at any event where Alcohol is served and there is a cash bar, or Alcohol is exchanged for tickets or other evidence of payment, or payment of an admission charge, registration fee or other fee or charge allows an individual to attend the Event and be served Alcohol, or a collection is taken at the Event to cover the costs of the Alcohol.
Second Level Review | This term refers to the chief academic officer of a campus to whom the recommendations of the primary unit, the Dean, and the review committee are taken.
Security | An attribute of information systems that includes specific policy-based mechanisms and assurances for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of information, the availability and functionality of critical services, and the privacy of individuals.
Security Incident | 1. An event during which some aspect of computer security is threatened. 2. Means an attempted or successful acquisition, unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of information or interference with system operations in an information system, in a manner not permitted under the HIPAA Security Rule (45 CFR Part 160 and 164, Subpart C) which compromises the security or privacy of ePHI. (Policy 100-020) |
Security Officer | The UCCS information security officer who is responsible for the ongoing management of information security policies, procedures, and technical systems in order to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all organizational healthcare information systems. |
Security-Sensitive Position (or responsibilities) | Means a position which includes security-sensitive responsibilities and which may require additional levels of Background Checks for Applicants, to be determined by Human Resources, the Hiring Authority, and the Office of University Counsel. Such job responsibilities may include, but are not limited to the following: 2. Access to select agents, toxins, or controlled substances as defined by federal and state law 3. Access to master keys, electronic access to secured facilities or key access to secured facilities or residential rooms other than where a student resides 4. Entrustment of university vehicles 5. Public safety enforcement support 6. Access to student/employee personally identifiable information including, but not limited to, access to ISIS and HRMS 7. Access to security sensitive data 8. Cash handling, authority or access to large sums of money, and/or financial responsibility 9. Access to military or national security locations, and 10. Access to a Vulnerable Population Program.
Separating Employee | Any individual leaving the employ of UCCS. This policy, however, does not apply to lecturers who are separating from UCCS employment.
Server Sanctuaries | Within UCCS, these are locations within computing facilities where clusters of sensitive or critical servers can be co-located and around which suitable physical and logical security measures can be implemented.
Service Animals | Under the ADA, a “Service Animal” is defined as a dog (and possibly miniature horse) that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental health disability, more fully defined below.
Service Centers | Assets obligated for equipment and facilities replacement and generally subject to federal cost accounting standards (OMB A-21) which limits their use.
Sex Offender Registry Check | Verifying that the Applicant does not have undisclosed convictions of certain sex crimes in those jurisdictions where the Applicant has resided.
small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) | A small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), sometimes called a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot onboard -- instead, the sUAS is controlled from an operator on the ground. |
Smaller Facilities | Include interior portions of buildings such as classrooms, seminar rooms, lecture halls, laboratories, and service facilities. Exterior elements include landscaping, commemorative trees, bricks, benches, sculptures, vest pocket parks, patios, and steps.
Smoking Implements | A tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a particular purpose, such as, but not limited to; pipes, e-cigarettes, e-pipes, vaporizers, waterpipes, hookahs, bongs, etc. |
Social Media | Technology tools and online spaces for integrating and sharing user-generated content in order to engage in conversation and to participate in content and community creation. Examples of Social Media Platforms include but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, podcasts, wikis and blogs.
Social Security Card | Original United States Social Security Card issued by the United States Social Security Administration (SSA).
Social Security Trace | Verifying the Applicant's social security number to confirm identity.
Special Events License | Means a permit to sell alcoholic beverages in an unlicensed space for a specific event only where the permit holder/applicant is the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Specified Officer | Includes vice chancellors and deans of schools, colleges and libraries.
Speed Type | An eight (8) digit number that relates to a unique FOPPS combination of values to facilitate data entry within a fund accounting structure.
Spending Authority | Authorized by the Regents of the University of Colorado, for the purpose of this policy, this is the amount of money the campus is allowed to allocate to faculty, officers, and exempt professional adjustments for a given fiscal year.
Sponsored Organizations | External programs and/or organizations with a formal affiliations relationship with UCCS.
Sponsored Programs | Sponsored programs are research, instruction and training, and other activities (i.e., public service) sponsored by external organizations, including activities classified as “fee for service” programs by the campus. Facilities and administrative cost recovery is not a factor in determining whether funding is a sponsored project. Funding may be from federal, state, city, county, or private organizations. Application/award issues that require administration by the Office of Sponsored Programs include any one of the following:
• the award is a grant or contract from a governmental entity; • sponsor support is directed to satisfy specific, programmatic objectives that are to be accomplished within a specific time and budget framework; • the sponsor is entitled to receive some deliverable, such as a detailed technical report of research results or a report of expenditures; • there is a provision for audits by or on behalf of the sponsor; • the funding is for a project with compliance issues including, but not limited to: human subjects, animal use, biohazards, and biosafety; • publication restrictions, patent, or licensing rights or rights to the use of research data; • funds not spent must be refunded to the sponsor
Sponsorship | The provision of money, goods, or services by any non-UCCS party to support a UCCS project or activity to which there is no arrangement or expectation that the sponsoring party will receive any substantial return benefit other than acknowledgement.
Standard Work Week | For the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, the established workweek is 12:01 A.M., Saturday, through 12:00 Midnight, Friday. Some work units may have approval for a different established workweek.
Strategic Initiatives (VCSI) | One of five divisions within the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives will lead local, state, national and international strategic innovation and initiatives and supervise the development and implementation of a campus-wide compliance program.
Structural Adjustments | Structural adjustments are granted to whole units, or categories of exempt professional employees, or faculty when it is determined that the entire structure of salaries is out of alignment.
Student | Students shall include, but not be limited to, individuals enrolled in UCCS classes, whether credit or non-credit, on the home UCCS campus, those employing distance learning technologies, those offered through continuing education, and those offered through study abroad programs.
Student Fee | Any amount assessed to students, the revenues from which are used for academic or nonacademic purposes, provide benefits to students, and support the overall living and learning environment of UCCS. Examples of Student Fees include the following: · Auxiliary Facility Fees – Fee assessed to pay for the construction, expansion, renovation, maintenance, operation, and/or lease of auxiliary facilities/areas. Auxiliary operations are defined as self-supporting, and may include, but are not limited to, residence halls, food service, intercollegiate athletics, college stores, parking, student centers, recreational facilities, child care centers, and continuing education. · Health Service Fees – any fee charged students by UCCS the revenues from which are used for the establishment and operation of campus health clinics or contract health services. · Intercollegiate Athletics or Intramural Club Athletics Fees – any fee charged students by UCCS the revenues from which are used for, but not limited to, support for intercollegiate or intramural or club athletic activities or for payment of bonds issued for the principal and interest payment on the long-term debt of any facility used for intercollegiate athletics and/or intramural club athletics. · Student Government/Student Activities Fees –any fee charged students by UCCS the revenues from which are used for, but not limited to, payment of direct and indirect operating expenses of student government, support for student programs such as cultural or social events, off-campus housing assistance, student clubs, student organizations, and student fees.
Student Financial Services | A department of the Division of Resource Management which conducts the bursar, debt management, loan administration and third-party billing functions for the University.
Student Success (VCSS) | One of five divisions within the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The Vice Chancellor for Student Success & Enrollment Management has overall responsibility for Admissions and Records, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Chancellor's Leadership Class, Disability Services, the Excel Centers, Financial Aid/Student Employment, Recruitment and Admissions Counseling.
Sub-award | Sub-award (also referred to as a subcontract or subgrant) is an agreement that transfers to another organization a portion of the substantive work being conducted under a sponsored program.
| A subcontractor relationship exists when another entity provides specific services in support of the research program but does not significantly participate in the design of the research and has little independent decision making in the how the research program or project is to be completed. The subcontractor relationship is characteristic of a vendor relationship. Ref: APS 5012 |
| A subrecipient relationship exists when another entity performs substantive programmatic work or undertakes an important or significant portion of the research program or project. The other entity participates in a creative way in designing and/or conducting the research, retains some element of programmatic control and discretion over how the work is conducted. Ref: APS 5012 |
Substantial Limitation | The inability to perform a major life activity or a significant restriction as to the condition, manner, or duration under which a person can perform a particular major life activity as compared to the average person in the general population.
Substantial Use of Resources | Means use of university resources that goes above and beyond those that are customarily and currently provided to University employees. University resources include such things as equipment, staff support, supplemental pay, and offloading from regular duties. The University of Colorado does not assign to the author(s) its interests in intellectual property created by University employees making substantial use of University resources. See APS 1014. |
Summary Evaluation | Refers to the performance rating (outstanding, exceeding expectations, meeting expectations, or below expectations) given a faculty member annually as part of the annual merit evaluation process, which is based on her/his combined performance in teaching, research/creative work, clinical work, and service.
Supervising Authority | For faculty, officers and professional exempt employees working in an academic department, the supervising authority is the Dean of the college or school. For faculty, officers and professional exempt employees working in an administrative department, the supervising authority is the department director, associate vice chancellor, or vice chancellor. The supervision authority for classified employees and student employees is generally the appointing authority or a designee of the appointing authority.
Supervisors | A supervisor is anyone who has the authority to hire, promote, discipline, evaluate, grade or direct faculty, staff or students. This includes anyone who manages or supervises others, including, but not limited to faculty, teaching assistants, resident advisors, coaches and anyone who leads, administers, advises or directs University programs.
System | A network, computer, software package, or other entity for which there can be security concerns.
System Administrators | Individuals who support the operations and integrity of computing systems and their use. Their activities might include system installation, configuration, integration, maintenance, security management, and problem analysis and recovery. In addition, managing the computer network is often their responsibility in an inter-networked computing environment.
System Management | The activities performed by systems administrators.
System Operators | Individuals within the UCCS community who are accountable for the operational decisions about the use and management of a computing system. (See also System Owners.)
System Owners | Individuals within the UCCS community who are accountable for the budget, management, and use of one or more electronic information systems, electronic databases, or electronic applications associated with UCCS. (See also System Operators.)
Teacher Education Certificate (Certificate Programs) | This is nomenclature for an “approved educator preparation program” or a sequence of courses and experiences for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school professionals to be effective educators in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade settings. The program culminates with a transcript notation indicating the student has completed the necessary coursework and is recommended by UCCS to the state to determine licensure. Licensure, which authorizes individuals to work in Colorado public schools, is granted by and only by the Colorado Department of Education. The UCCS College of Education is authorized to offer coursework in several endorsement areas. The College of Education should be contacted about endorsement areas and procedures. Teacher Education certificate programs are considered licensure programs and may not follow the processes described in this policy although will require campus approval.
Technicians | Individuals who have technical knowledge about computers, software, hardware, operating systems, and networks (e.g., system administrators, system engineers, or network engineers).
Tenure | This term refers to faculty appointments that continue until termination by resignation, retirement, or otherwise pursuant to applicable regent laws and policies.
Third Level Review | This term refers to the president of the University to whom the recommendations and decisions of the chief academic officer of the campus are taken.
Time Bands | Seniority is established into three year time bands based on continued state service as defined in the State Personnel Board Rules (including additional years of military service for those eligible for veteran’s preference).
TIPS | Means Training for Intervention Procedures. Programs for training people to responsibly serve, sell and/or consume alcohol.
Title IV Eligible Program | A program authorized as eligible for certain types of federal financial aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act. Title IV aid includes Federal Direct Loans, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, and Federal and Colorado Work-Study programs.
Transcript Notation | Transcripts are the official record of the university, both for students and as the official university record. Only in unusual circumstances should a certificate program not be notated on transcripts. At the completion of the certificate program, a notation is added to the student’s transcript indicating that an approved certificate program has been completed. Only GE, CoS, and PD Certificates are eligible for transcript notation on the appropriate credit or non-credit transcript. Transcript notations will specifically name the type of certificate (e.g., GE, CoS, PD) and give the program name so that students and external audiences can clearly understand the transcript. Transcript notation requires the program to work closely with the Campus Certificate Implementation Committee to define how a certificate program should be notated within the university student information system. Location of notation changes depending on type of certificate program.
Transfer (Lateral Movement Guidelines) | A lateral movement in the same job class title and with the same or similar job responsibilities. A transfer typically involves moving to a position in a different campus department and/or with a different Hiring Authority. |
Transportation Authority | Primary is the Transportation Manager appointed by the UCCS Director of Public Safety. Secondary is the Parking and Transportation Services Manager, appointed by the UCCS Director of Public Safety.
Triggered Review | Refers to a review that is undertaken when a tenured faculty member receives an annual evaluation of “below expectations.”
Types of Premium Pay | Effective July 1, 2002, agencies are permitted to approve eligibility for the following types of premium pay for individual positions in classes that are published as not eligible for premium pay. Approval must be obtained before premium pay begins. 1.Shift Differential Pay Intent: Additional pay beyond base pay for working shifts; applicable to positions eligible for overtime under the FLSA provisions. Second shift rate applies when half or more of the scheduled work hours fall between 4:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Third shift rate applies when half or more of the scheduled work hours fall between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am. Amount: If the hours are evenly split between shifts, the higher shift differential rate applies to all hours worked during the shift. For FY 2002/03, the second shift rate is 7.5%, and the third shift rate is 10%. Authority: The supervisor may request, in writing, that a specific position be eligible for shift differential pay, and must include an updated PDQ which reflects the need for shift work. The request must document why it is necessary for the position to work the second or third shift. The request must include the recommended amount and the source of funds. The request must be approved by the appropriate vice chancellor and the Chancellor. Once the request has been approved and submitted to the UCCS Personnel Department, a written agreement will be prepared between the employee and the department. 2.On-Call Status: Intent: Additional pay for eligible employees specifically assigned in advance to such status. Freedom of movement is significantly restricted; however, the employee is still free to use this time effectively. On-call compensation should be supported by prevailing market practices. Amount: Effective July 1, 2002, the on-call rate is $2.00/hour. To qualify for on-call status: a).A position should expect to be called back into work during the on-call period. b).Be severely restricted geographically. c).Be constantly available by telephone. Authority: The supervisor may request, in writing, that a specific position be eligible for on-call pay, and must submit an updated PDQ which reflects the need to be on-call. The request should provide documentation that comparable positions in the marketplace receive this type of premium pay. Document any recruitment or retention issues your department has experienced that are directly related to lack of on-call compensation, and any other relevant information. The request must include the recommended amount and appropriate supporting justification and source of funds. The request must be approved by the appropriate vice chancellor and the Chancellor. Once the request has been approved and submitted to the UCCS Personnel Department, a written agreement will be prepared between the employee and the department. 3.Call Back Pay Intent: Payment made at base pay rate, paid for no less than two hours, when an eligible employee is required to report to work before or after a scheduled shift (not a continuation of the shift). Eligible employees are those who are eligible for overtime.
Unaffiliated Program Operator | A third party who enters into an agreement with the University to operate its own program for children using university facilities. |
Unsecured Protected Health Information | Protected health information (PHI) that is not rendered unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons through the use of a technology or methodology specified by the Secretary in the guidance issued under section 13402(h)(2) of Pub. L. 111-5. |
UCCS Email Lists | Any and all email lists containing email addresses belonging to UCCS students, staff, faculty, administration, donors and alumni.
UCCS-owned Network | A network where network components (including active elements such as routers and switches, transmission media, and network-attached computers) are owned and operated by UCCS or units of UCCS. A message that travels over UCCS-owned networks is, in general, on an open network and hence requires additional security measures to be considered secure.
UCCS-related or UCCS-sponsored international education travel | Credit-bearing international educational programs, such as: study abroad, internships, research, service learning and volunteer opportunities, conferences, registered student organization activities, student groups affiliated with academic departments, and other non-credit-bearing UCCS programs. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: i. Any travel in connection with activities for which academic credit is sought, including programs operated through the UCCS Global Engagement Office (“GEO”), travel as part of a formal academic program or course of study internship credit, and travel for independent study credit (including retroactive requests for academic credit). ii. Any travel for purposes of performance, sporting events, service learning, conferences, meetings, professional development or volunteerism organized by any UCCS department a UCCS registered student organization or a student group affiliated with a UCCS academic department. iii. Any international educational travel for which funding is sought through a UCCS-administered account or as student government-administered account within UCCS. iv. Any international educational travel that requires travel approval through University of Colorado Procurement Services Center. v. Any international educational travel that requires international health insurance through a UCCS-contracted insurance plan.
UCCS Resources | Refers to the use of UCCS’s branding, name or logo, UCCS intellectual property, UCCS IT or computing resources (e.g. UCCS computers and Internet networks), UCCS research or laboratory resources, UCCS facilities, or UCCS email lists. This list is not exhaustive, and this definition is intended to be construed broadly to encompass any/all UCCS resources used in any crowdfunding or crowdsourcing project.
Uncompensated Merit | Compensation adjustments in addition to merit adjustments are allowable under the Chancellor’s discretion. These adjustments are reflected through an individual’s meritorious performance. Other business considerations include exceptional merit, internal equity, market comparisons, and service, etc. Uncompensated merit occurs when meritorious faculty are not adequately compensated for their performance in a given year. For example, a member of the faculty receives an outstanding evaluation in a given year only to find that the campus salary pool for merit increases is small or non-existent in the given year. Another example is when a faculty is promoted from assistant to associate in a year when there is no money allocated for promotions.
Undue Hardship | An action requiring significant difficulty or expense, when considered in light of factors such as the University’s size, financial resources, and the nature and structure of its operation. In determining whether an accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the University, factors to be considered include: the nature and cost of the accommodation requested; the overall financial resources involved in the provision of the reasonable accommodation; the overall financial resources of the University; the composition, structure and functions of the workforce of the University; and the impact of the accommodation upon the operation of the University, including the impact on the ability of other employees to perform their duties and the impact on the University’s ability to conduct business.
University Advancement | One of five divisions within the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Development has overall responsibility for Alumni Relations, Branding, Community & Regional Relations, Development, Government Relations, Internal Communication, Marketing, Media Relations, Photography Coordination and University Events.
University Driver | Employees, students, and volunteers properly authorized to operate a UCCS vehicle.
University Funds | All funds appropriated, generated, awarded, donated or otherwise received by the University regardless of their source. With the exception of University Physicians Incorporated (UPI) funds, the term University Funds does not include Agency Funds (Fund 80) that the University maintains for legally separate External Student Organizations or other entities.
UCCS Alcoholic Beverage Authorization | Campus form used to gather information on an event that includes the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
UCCS International Risk Management Committee | Appointed by the Chancellor, this committee includes members from UCCS Risk Management and GEO, and others as determined necessary by the Chancellor. It is charged to facilitate campus compliance with University of Colorado international risk management requirements as well as review the UCCS-related or UCCS-sponsored student international travel.
University Property | Any property owned, leased, or operated by or on behalf of UCCS. Refer to University Risk Management for a detailed explanation.
University Related Distributors | Those distributors of University-related publications.
University Related Publication | Funded with University of Colorado funds, regardless of fund source. Example:The Scribe.
University Risk Management (URM)v | University of Colorado system-level organization responsible for minimization and management of risks to the University, purchasing of insurance coverage on behalf of the University, and management of claims against the University. Each campus has an individual assigned for conduct of and response to campus-specific activities.
University Sponsored Event License | Alcohol is not sold nor is there an admission charge to enter the event. The event may or may not be invitation only. Alcohol is free but is served by an individual with TIPS or equivalent training (i.e. annual holiday party).
University Users | Individuals who are employees or students of UCCS, and administrative units or sponsored organizations of UCCS.
University Vehicle (“vehicle”) | Any motor vehicle or unlicensed motorized equipment, purchased or leased with UCCS funds, regardless of source, including but not limited to grants, auxiliaries, student fees, foundation or general funds; any vehicles or equipment donated to UCCS. For a more complete listing, refer the URM Standard for Operation of University Vehicles.
Unobligated Capital Reserves | Assets held by departments for capital activities that have not been identified with specific projects or on the campus master plan, but rather general campus needs including renewal and replacement.
Unobligated Funds | Unobligated funds are generally available for campus use or support of schools, colleges, departments, or units. These funds are generated by nonrecurring revenue surpluses or year-end balances resulting from lower than expected spending levels (such as vacancy savings from an unfilled position). Campus leadership holds these funds in general categories based on Budget and Planning Office procedures. Their designation may change in accordance with directives from campus leadership, including Regent directives.
Unrelated Business Income | Income produced by the University from activities beyond our mission and subject to taxation under Internal Revenue Service
Upward Movement Guidelines (Promotions and Reallocations) | An upward movement is an appointment to a class in a higher grade, based on comparison of the maximums of the classes involved. An example of an upward movement is when a position held by an employee is allocated upward and the employee is promoted to the higher class after an examination. Another example is when an employee successfully competes for a vacant position in a higher class. Either way, promotions in the state personnel system are always the result of some type of examination process. The employee’s base salary must fall within the range for the new class, typically at a rate not less than 10% or more than 12.5% above the current base salary. It may be any rate that is no less than the current base pay rate and no more than the maximum established by procedure. If an employee’s current base salary is below the maximum of the new pay grade, an upward movement can result in an increase of up to 12.5% of the current base pay (as long as it does not exceed the grade maximum). Requests to promote at a salary that exceeds this rate must be in writing, approved by the appropriate Vice Chancellor, and submitted to the Personnel Department prior to the salary offer being made.
Vacancy | A vacancy is said to occur when the person staffing the position leaves the University or is transferred or promoted to a new or different position.
Vice Chancellor | The executive officer for a division within the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. The four divisions are Academic Affairs, Administration and Finance, Student Success, and University Advancement.
Volunteer | An individual who is not an Employee and who is providing a service to UCCS without expectation of remuneration. |
Volunteer Coordinator | Each Department / College / Unit is responsible for appointing a volunteer coordinator responsible for tracking, educating and identifying volunteers within their area. It is highly recommended that the volunteer coordinator use the recommended guidelines, checklists and waivers that are provided on the University of Colorado Risk Management Website https://www.cu.edu/risk/volunteer-trainee-and-minor-participants to ensure safety and compliance.
Training and Compliance for Volunteers Volunteers are subject to University policies concerning conduct on campus, including the UCCS Policy 300-017 Discrimination and Harassment Policy (300-017) and UCCS Policy 100-007 Violence Free Campus (https://vcaf.uccs.edu/policies/uccs/policies). They are also required when applicable to complete all training required for access to certain areas and use of University resources for example: CU Fiscal Code of Ethics, CU Privacy and Security, and UCCS HIPAA training |
Vulnerable Population Program | Program activities, including but not limited to academic programs and camps, which include: 2. Working or assisting in child care facilities 3. Spending the night in a situation where minors are present, or 4. Providing housing for minor undergraduate students. |
Work Day | A time period within a twenty-four hour period in which an employee is scheduled to work, is authorized to be absent, or receives pay for work, vacation leave, or sick leave.
Workforce Member | As defined by the Privacy Rule, includes an employee, volunteer, trainee, contractor and other person whose conduct, in the performance of work for a UCCS designated health care component, is under the direct control of the University, whether or not paid by the University. |
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[i]i Definition of “de minimis”: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_minimis>
iii See also Fund/Unit Manager
iv University Risk Management (URM) web site: < https://www.cu.edu/risk >
v Controlled Substance: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-21/chapter-II/part-1308
vi Gainful Employment Regulations: https://www.ed.gov/laws-and-policy/higher-education-laws-and-policy/higher-education-opportunity-act-of-2008/gainful-employment