F&A Rate

F&A Rate

F&A Rate

Per Federal Uniform Guidance Part 200, F&A costs are defined as "costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefitting more than one cost objective, and not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefitted". The F&A rate is a rate negotiated between the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Once the rate has been established, it is applied to all sponsored projects unless granted a waiver or reduction.


Per the rate agreement between UCCS and DHHS, the current F&A rate is 49% for on-campus projects and 17% for off-campus projects. The effective period for this rate is 07/01/2024 to 06/30/2028. A copy of our current rate agreement may be downloaded here.

For copies of previous rate agreements, please contact the Controller's Office at acctfinc@uccs.edu.

UCCS Policy 900-002 Facilities and Administrative Rate Reduction Waiver can be found on the VCAF Policy website here.

F&A costs that are recovered are then redistributed back to campus to provide further infrastructure for continued contract and grant activity. The Budget and Planning group manages the distribution on an annual basis.

UCCS Distribution Policy
55% Back to the College or Department
10% To the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
4% To the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
17% To the Office of Research
6% To the Graduate School
8% To the Library


The Controller's Office determines the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) for the data year. The MTDC represents the base of total costs for the campus. The total indirect costs for the campus are then calculated. A calculation of what percentage of MTDC is associated with indirect costs is made. Once a rate proposal has been developed, the proposal is reviewed by UCCS Financial Leadership and the Department of Health and Human Services. Negotiation is conducted between UCCS and DHHS.

 Salaries & Wages Building Depreciation General Administration
 Consultant Services Equipment Depreciation Dept Administration
 Travel Bond Interest Payments Student Services
 Materials and Supplies Operation & Maintenance of PlantSponsored Project Admin.


Generally, the F&A rate is reviewed and redeveloped every three years. However, extensions may be granted if both the university and DHHS come to the consensus that the existing rates are still applicable upon review of the university's expenses in a given fiscal year.


Data Year (FY)On-Campus RateOff-Campus Rate