FAQs Acronyms

Ever wonder what an acronym stands for?

Below is a brief list of acronyms that are commonly used within the Controller's Office. 

ACXAccrual Reversal
APAccounts Payable
ARAccounts Receivable
AYAcademic Year
BJEBudget Journal Entry
CIWCentral Information Warehouse
COFRSColorado Reporting System
DHHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
DODDepartment of Defense
EPERElectronic Personnel Effort Reporting
F&AFacilities and Administration
FTEFull-Time Equivalent
FYFiscal Year
FYEFiscal Year End
GARGeneral Administrative Recharge
GIKGift in Kind
GLGeneral Ledger
HRMSHuman Resource Management System
ICRIndirect Cost Recovery (Same as F&A)
INInterdepartmental Invoice
IRMInformation Resource Management
ISAInternal Service Activities
ISCInternal Service Center
JEJournal Entry
OFOfficial Function
OMBU.S. Office of Management & Budget
OUCOffice of University Controller
PETPayroll Expense Transfer
PIPrincipal Investigator
PIEPooled Investment Earnings
POPurchase Order
PSAMPeopleSoft Asset Management
PSCProcurement Service Center
PVPayment Voucher
R&RRepair & Replacement
SPOStanding Purchase Order
UBACUniversity Budget Advisory Committee
UBITUnrelated Business Income Tax
UISUniversity Information Systems
YEYear End


 Org Acronyms
VCAAVC of Academic Affairs
VCAFVC for Admin and Finance
VCEMSAVC of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
VCUAUniversity Advancement